Tlaib rejects Israeli conditions

[ad_1] The Israeli decision to ban the entry of two US Democratic deputies, Rashida Tlaib and Ilham Omar, was greeted with indignation in Washington and Tel Aviv. So much so that Israel took a step back and said it would allow Tlaib – who has Palestinian origins and family in …

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57 migrants rescued off western Libyan coast

[ad_1] TRIPOLI, Aug. 18 (Xinhua) – Libyan navy spokesman Ayob Qassem on Sunday said that 57 illegal migrants have been rescued off the country's western coast. "A coast guards patrol received a report and rescued 57 migrants on a wooden boat, including 17 women and 9 children," Qassem told Xinhua. …

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Problem, Putin? – Cotidianul

[ad_1] Problem, Putin? Cotidianul Probleme la o centrală nucleară din Rusia. Anunțul făcut de agenția Rosatom STIRILEPROTV.RO Nou incident în Rusia: A reactor at the power plant atomice Beloiarsk a fost oprit din cauza unui erori la sistemul de siguranţă Mediafax Problems if ţin lanţ the central atomice din Rusia: …

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Multiple North Korean Cryptocurrency Hacks Under UN Investigation

[ad_2][ad_1] The United Nations has launched an investigation into North Korean cyber-attacks which targeted cryptocurrency exchanges in the neighboring South. India has been a victim in the digital crime spree which targeted 17 countries in total. Cryptocurrency Exchanges Targeted The UN has ramped up its investigation of North Korean cyber-attacks …

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