New secret military base of New North Korea, unveiled before the meeting of Presidents Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un


US specialists have discovered a secret base of North Korean secret missiles, revealing Washington and Pyongyang announcing a new summit of Presidents Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un, reports NBC News.

The secret military base of New North Korea has revealed to Presidents Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un

New discoveries of the secret military bases of North Korea before Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un

Experts estimate that the Pyongyang regime has about 20 ballistic bases.

The Chinese-Chinese basin is located about 210 kilometers north of the demilitarized zone between North Korea and South Korea. The missiles installed on this secret base can reach targets from South Korea, Japan and even from China. Guam archipelago based in the United States, experts from the Beyond Parallel Institute of the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

"North Koreans will not trade on things they do not disclose" says Victor Cha, one of the authors of the report. "They seem to play a game, they want to have operational skills, it's a strategic ability," explains the specialist.

US President Donald Trump will meet North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un at the end of February, the White House announced Friday evening. The announcement was made after Donald Trump met with a North Korean emissary, Kim Yong Chol, in Washington.

"President Donald Trump met with Kim Yong Chol and discussed an hour and a half on denuclearization and the second summit, to be held in late February," White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said. "Donald Trump is waiting for a meeting with President Kim, to be held in a place that will be announced later," added Sarah Sanders.

The head of North Korea, Kim Jong-Un, declared on January 1 that he wanted to maintain the conjunction, but warned that he could change his mind if the administration Donald Trump does not annul the sanctions. "If the United States does not keep the promise made in the world and insists on sanctions and pressures on our country, we may have no choice but to look at new ways to guarantee our sovereignty and interests," he said. Kim Jong-Un in a televised speech.

The North Korean leader met with Donald Trump in June 2018 and discussed denuclearization on the Korean peninsula, but no concrete action was taken. After the summit, Pyongyang announced the suspension of nuclear and ballistic tests. Kim Jong-Un reported the intention to meet Donald Trump again.

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