Mysterious case in Austria: mother of Esterhazy-administrators back – News International


Vienna – Giant swirl at Eisenstadt in Austria. Firstly, it was said that the mother of the asset manager of the noble Esterhazy family, Stefan Ottrubay (65), had been kidnapped. But now it seems the turn in the case.

What had happened? An elderly woman was traveling with a nurse on Tuesday afternoon at Eisenstadt. Suddenly two black limousines stop. The nurse should have been put away, the 88-year-old lady was then put into one of the vehicles. Then both cars ran away. Manhunt.

According to the Austrian media, it was Magdolna Theresia Ottrubay. Shortly after the cars left, there were checks in the city. But now the 88-year-old has appeared again.

The police said: "During the night, the people involved reported to the police in Tyrol." The woman from Eisenstadt, who is the mother of Director-General Stephan Ottrubay, arrived voluntarily after the initial interviews with the people involved, including herself ".

According to "" the mother should be with a daughter in Kitzbühel in Tyrol.

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Photo: picture alliance / ROBERT JÄGER

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At the Esterhazy road in Eisenstadt, Austria, the accident happenedPhoto: picture alliance / ROBERT JÄGER

For more motivations and more specific circumstances of the accident are still under investigation.

The famous Austrian family of nobility Esterhazy had contributed their assets to a private foundation in the years 90 (total sales in 2017: about 53 million euros). The asset manager Stefan Ottrubay is the nephew of the late Princess Melinda Esterhazy (95).

Austrian Interior Minister Herbert Kickl (50, FPÖ) said on Tuesday evening in an ORF program: "At the moment it's not really sure if it's a kidnapping in the classical sense."

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