More than 70% of covid patients cured in Wuhan have had symptoms afterwards


The study – which followed 1,733 virus patients discharged from Wuhan’s Jinyintan hospital between January 7 and May 29 – finds that this percentage suffered mainly from fatigue, muscle weakness, difficulty falling asleep or anxiety.


According to a scientific study published Tuesday 24-N by the official China Daily, more than 70% of covid patients recovered in the Chinese city of Wuhan presented at least one symptom of the disease after being discharged.

The study – which followed 1,733 virus patients discharged from Wuhan’s Jinyintan hospital between January 7 and May 29 – finds that this percentage suffered mainly from fatigue, muscle weakness, difficulty falling asleep or anxiety.

The average follow-up time for patients since they started showing symptoms has been six months, said researcher Cao Bin, vice president of Sino-Japanese Friendship Hospital, at a health conference organized by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. medical sciences.

Follow-up for the study took place at the Jinyintan hospital outpatient clinic and all participants were personally interviewed by qualified doctors.

The group completed a series of questionnaires and also underwent other types of tests, including walking for six minutes, explained Cao.

The results showed that six months after the onset of symptoms, about half of the patients had at least one non-normal pattern on CT scans.

Patients who were more severe during hospitalization tended to show poorer lung capacity and worse chest images, the expert added.

Cao stressed that, based on the study, covid patients should engage in regular exercise to maintain health, avoid alcohol or tobacco consumption, and receive psychological counseling if needed, among other recommendations.

China has recorded 86,464 covid cases since the start of the pandemic, including 4,634 deaths, according to the National Health Commission.

To date, 877,545 contacts close to the infected have been followed, of which 11,875 continue to be observed.


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