Minnesota: the pilot manages to land in an emergency on a freeway with a small plane


A pilot landed on the freeway near the city of Minneapolis in his single-engine car. A video shows the spectacular emergency landing. Registration was released Thursday evening by the Minnesota Department of Transportation (local time).

The plane hit a car from behind. But no one was hurt. According to media reports, there were two people in the car. The incident is now being investigated by relevant authorities, Fox News and CBS said.

The Minnesota Department of Transportation humorously commented on the incident on Twitter: “While that’s not exactly what we mean by ‘multimodal transportation’, we’re happy no one was hurt – and we were impressed with the pilot’s efforts to make it through. . “

The concepts of multimodal transport are understood as the intelligent connection of all available means of transport. Travelers no longer have to rely on cars or trains, for example, but can choose a mode of transport that suits them based on their individual route and criteria.

Icon: the mirror

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