Mike Pompeo Investigated for Violating United States Federal Law | news


Two of the leading Democratic lawmakers in the United States House of Representatives confirmed on Monday the start of an investigation to ascertain whether Secretary of State Mike Pompeo violated federal law by making pre-recorded comments to the Republican National Convention during a official diplomatic trip to Israel.


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According to the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Eliot Engel, and the chairman of the appropriations committee, Nita Lowey, it will be determined whether Pompeo violated the hatch law, which regulates the political activity of the employees of power. executive.

Both lawmakers pointed out in a statement that “as we both approach this year’s election and his inevitable return to electoral politics, Mike Pompeo has become even more brazen for abusing the State Department and US taxpayer dollars. that finance it as a vehicle for the administration’s political ambitions and yours. “

They also added that the State Department failed to meet Congressional deadlines for delivering documents on the Secretary of State’s internal speeches.

Pompeo, who was a Republican congressman from Kansas and is considered a possible presidential candidate in 2024, was indicted by the Democrats for using his office in favor of his political ambitions.

His speech from Jerusalem last August was criticized by former diplomats and congressmen, pointing out that former secretaries of state refrained from participating in political events such as conventions. Meanwhile, they raised “concerns about the use of federal resources for the secretary’s political activity, including the cost of his travel.”

Meanwhile, Pompeo himself warned in a memorandum of 24 July that presidential and political appointees “cannot participate in any partisan political activity in concert with a partisan campaign, a political party or a partisan political group, even in personal time and outside the federal workplace “.

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