Method that reduces the risk of coronavirus transmission by 70% has been announced


British officials have suggested that the buildings be regularly ventilated to prevent the new type of coronavirus epidemic (Kovid-19).

According to the report by the British newspaper Daily Mail, government officials, who have consulted with experts, have suggested that the buildings are regularly ventilated to prevent the outbreak of the coronavirus.

According to the news, scientists have warned that the risk of contracting the coronavirus in the winter season could increase by a third due to poor ventilation and have determined that this is especially true for offices and educational institutions.

Government officials, in consultation with experts, concluded that spaces should be ventilated regularly and that windows in interior spaces should be kept half open or Every 10-15 minutes broadcast suggested.

Authorities say the measure will reduce the risk of getting the infection by 70%.

United Kingdom Deputy Health Minister Jo Churchill, “We spend most of our time indoors, so ventilation is needed.” found in the description.

Scientists recommend venting the house if one of the family members is sick and if a guest comes to the house and immediately after leaving.

Professor of the University of Leeds in England. Catherine Noakes, “Fresh air must come from the outside, the circulation of the air inside means moving the aerosols containing viruses inside the room, not eliminating them”. I speak.

Noakes, even using the air from the outside in case of air conditioning He added that the room may not be particularly ventilated.

The coronavirus pandemic has surrounded almost the entire world. According to data from John Hopkins University in the USA, the number of new coronavirus cases in the world has risen to 55.7 million, the total number of deaths has reached 1.3 million, while the total number of patients cured was 35. , 8 million.


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