“Merino does not represent me”: the cry of discontent in Peru


Hundreds of people protest in Lima for the refusal of the dismissal of Martín Vizcarra as president of the country and the oath of Manuel Merino, until yesterday head of Parliament, as the new president.

“Merino does not represent me” is the slogan of the discontented, who called for this event, with which they arrived with flags and banners; just like they did on Monday night when Congress made the decision against Vizcarra.

From the start, the demonstrators tried to reach the periphery of Parliament, where the inauguration of Merino was underway, but their advance was hampered by a strong contingent of police.

Faced with the impossibility of moving forward, the demonstrators decided to mobilize in the central Plaza San Martín, a dozen blocks from the Parliament, to continue their expressions of discontent.

The demonstrations are repeated in other regions and cities of the country, such as Arequipa, where the call was made by student representatives from the National University of San Agustín de Arequipa (UNSA).

There are also mobilizations in Trujillo, Chiclayo, Huancayo and Iquitos. The demonstrations were accompanied by cacerolazos, which was heard loudest around 10:00 am (local time), when Merino was sworn in.


Vizcarra was sacked on Monday after Congress approved, by 105 votes in favor, 19 against and 4 abstentions, the second vacancy request against him in less than two months.

On this occasion he was prosecuted in Parliament for “moral incapacity”, while in the Public Prosecutor’s Office, when he was regional governor of Moquegua (2011-2014), an investigation is underway into an alleged case of corruption in the construction of a hospital, and only five months of the next presidential election.

Vizcarra accepted the Congress decision. He indicated that he would not take “any legal action” and announced, on the same day, that he would leave the Government Building.

“Today I leave the Government Palace, today I go home despite the fact that there are countless recommendations for us to take legal action to prevent this decision,” the former president said.


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