Maduro: Venezuela hopes to resume dialogue channels with Biden


“Venezuela hopes to reform the channels of dialogue with Biden,” said the president, Nicolás Maduro this Sunday, recognizing the rise as president-elect to the White House, of Joseph Biden.

Maduro stressed that he also hopes to regain the respect and non-interference in the affairs of the two nations, which were almost a daily occurrence of previous Washington administrations.

“We will work to resume channels of decent, sincere and direct dialogue between the United States government and the government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela that I chair,” he said.

The head of state in the midst of the situation that is happening in the United States, and in the days after the presidential election when the candidate for re-election, Donald Trump and Joe Biden are mediated, reflects on why (Tump) He comes out defeated, while his rival comes out the winner after a hard-fought race, but at the same time with a “not at all democratic” system, argued Maduro.

“It was a powerful and diverse popular movement that defeated Trump,” he stressed, adding that after the brutal assassination of George Floyd it was the ship that bridged the immense gap that created a decaying economic system.

“The people of the United States have been fighting for freedom, equality, against imperialist wars for 55 years,” Maduro said.

In this sense, he drew attention to the fact that the Democrats of (Biden) did not win the party, “Donald Trump lost and Joe Biden received the vote of hope from the vast majority of Americans who want change in the United States and in the world. “.

He added that after Delawere’s Biden speech, -the first statements of the president-elect after the results- of American politics, the president spoke of leaving demonization: “We behave persevering and revolutionary … The time of the end of demonization against the Bolivarian revolution ”, he replied.

The monster that Trump created in Venezuela has abandoned him

Maduro was emphatic in assuring that once the results and projections of various local media in the United States became known, of Biden’s victory, in Venezuela the self-proclaimed Juan Guaidó, “creation of the monster created by Trump”, abandoned him. He said: “The $ 800 million he gave him was useless,” he stressed. He also asked that he want this message to reach the outgoing president, because according to him the Colombian president, Iván Duque, did the same with him. “They left him alone,” he said.

In the context of the attacks against Venezuela, he claimed to have put the Spanish government on alert, because “the bandit of Leopoldo López continues to conspire against the country from Spain”, he also explained that he is a common thread in the creation of Guaidó with the support of Donald Trump.

In that particular, he announced that he had evidence of Leopoldo López’s conspiracy: “I’ll show them this week.”

“In Latin America sovereign peoples dominate, imperialism does not govern. Enough with coups, plots, threats, conspiracy “, he specified at the budget meeting in the fight against Covid-19 in the country.

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