Lonely Planet reveals the people and places that will transform travel in 2021


Renowned for choosing the best places travelers can go each year, Lonely Planet, the world’s leading travel media brand, has reinvented its Best in Travel 2021 awards to recognize how our planet has changed.

In a year where COVID-19 has had a serious impact on travel, Best in Travel 2021 focuses on the incredible people, places and companies that make a transformative contribution to travel in unprecedented times. Sustainability, community and diversity are the areas where this year’s winners excel. And as the world eagerly awaits the post-COVID journey, they pave the way for exploring our world for the benefit of all.

From a walking tour of the cities offered by homeless people, to a Syrian refugee who tells the lost story of his country in his new homeland; we collected thousands of inspiring stories to celebrate 10 of the best community tourism projects around the world.

The Lonely Planet digital team has worked their way through many deserving nominations in our diversity category to compile a list of winners that include an Instagram account for large travelers and a community of islanders in North Carolina, direct descendants of enslaved people who they keep West African traditions live on every day.

A wild mountain gorilla chews a stick.
This year’s Sustainable Wildlife Program award celebrates Rwanda’s efforts to support its wild populated mountain gorrila © Eric Lafforgue / Lonely Planet

Rwanda’s efforts to bring its wild mountain gorilla population back from the brink of extinction along with its work to prevent poaching of endangered black rhinos have earned the country a Sustainable Best in Travel award. Other winners in this category include a 500-mile bike trail through Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains and blogger Soraya Abdel-Hadi, who runs the popular soraya.earth website.

“Travel is a much more careful exercise in 2021 than it has ever been before.” Luis Cabrera, CEO of Lonely Planet, says. “With travelers cautiously engaging with the world again and focusing on ensuring their impact is safe and positive for host communities, we have decided to focus on destinations that allow visitors to make a real contribution.”

Lonely Planet recognizes that commitment and resilience are required to overcome these times. Best in Travel 2021 rewards destinations that have braved the coronavirus pandemic and are ready and waiting to welcome us when we can travel again.

This year doesn’t belong to countries or cities, it belongs to the people and businesses that make those places so special, so explore with us and our winners.

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