LIVE TEXT. US Elections 2020. What follows after Joe Biden announced his victory. How can Donald Trump remain president


Joe Biden crossed the 270-vote mark after winning in the state of Pennsylvania, according to CNN.

The Democratic candidate won the state of Pennsylvania by a margin of about 30,000 votes over Donald Trump.

Meanwhile, Biden was awarded six votes in the state of Nevada, reaching 279 electoral votes, while Donald Trump remained at 213.

Donald Trump is expected to end his term on January 20, 2020, but he still claims he actually won the election and Joe Biden’s victory is the result of election fraud. His campaign team has announced lawsuits in several key states, which he hopes will lead to a recount and a victory in his favor.

time 8:00 – Donald Trump does not admit defeat

Donald Trump does not acknowledge the defeat and says he will go to court.

Donald Trump found out that he finished second in the race for the White House while playing golf in Virginia. But he denied Joe Biden’s victory in a statement, as reported by the media, and said he would take legal action, further claiming the election was rigged.

Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s attorney: “Obviously (Trump) will not recognize the election result, as long as there are at least 600,000 ballots still under discussion.”

Trump supporters gathered in several cities across the United States to protest. In the city of Philadelphia, where votes weighed heavily following the elections, spirits flared between the two camps.

time 7:50 – Joe Biden’s speech after winning the US election

“Time to heal America” – with these words, Joe Biden, who became the 46th president of the United States, leaves, according to overseas television projections.

Finally, the long-awaited public address from the president-elect arrived.

“The people of this nation have spoken and assured us of a clear victory. I pledge to be a president who does not seek to divide, but to unite, a president who does not see American states as red or blue, but” United States. It’s time to heal America. I will work just as hard for those who voted for me as for those who didn’t. ” Joe Biden said.

time 7:40 – Trump’s team filed a lawsuit in Arizona for incorrectly canceled votes

Republican President Donald Trump’s campaign team announced Saturday that it has filed a lawsuit in Arizona, accusing that in the most populous county in the southwest of this state, the votes cast by some voters in the November 3 presidential election were incorrectly canceled. , informs Reuters.

The complaint, filed with the Maricopa County Superior Court, says polling station staff asked voters to press a button after the voting machine detected a “extra vote”.

Donald Trump’s campaign team says this decision did not take into account voter preferences and says new voting machines were used on election day.

Lawyers from the Republican camp suggest that these votes could be proven “Definite” in establishing the final result of the elections in this state.

time 7:30 – Donald Trump: “We won the election”

US President Donald Trump refuses to admit defeat, insisting he is the winner and suggesting there were irregularities, dpa informs.

The Republican president has published his first reaction on social media to the result of the elections announced by the media that assign the winner to Democrat Joe Biden, writing in block letters and not providing evidence to support his statements, some of which have already been rejected by the court.

“THE OBSERVATORS WERE NOT ALLOWED TO BE IN THE ROOMS WHERE THEY COUNT. I WON THE VOTE, I OBTAINED 71,000,000 LEGAL VOTES”, Trump wrote in a first post that he was promptly flagged and restricted by Twitter for leaking controversial information about the election.


“71,000,000 legal votes. The most ever for an incumbent president!” Trump also wrote in a subsequent Twitter post.

Democrat Joe Biden has received more than 74 million votes and the count continues.

time 7:20 – Donald Trump returned to the White House just hours after his defeat was announced

President Donald Trump returned to the White House Saturday afternoon after a morning at his golf club and hours after Democrat Joe Biden announced his defeat in the November 3 presidential election, AFP reports.

The president of the United States spent just over four hours at his club in Sterling, Virginia, where he was seen on the golf course.

Donald Trump ends his term as president on January 20, 2021.

time 7:10 – Joe Biden got 279 votes

Democratic candidate Joe Biden won the election after his victory in Pennsylvania, which brought him 20 electoral votes, reaching 273.

In the night Biden also won in the state of Nevada, which brought him 6 electoral votes, reaching a total of 279.


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