Litecoin Foundation and X9 Developers announce the collaboration – Press release


LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM / ACCESSWIRE / 20 December 2018 / The Litecoin Foundation has formalized a collaboration with X9 Developers in the maintenance, debugging and hardening of lcd and potentially other Lightning Network (LN) technologies. The X9 developers are a group of blockchain agnostic developers whose founders are the main developers and fully funded by Stakenet (XSN). Since the general vision of Stakenet is to build an interoperable supply chain future built on the LN, both parties' incentives are aligned to work together.

X9 developers have already implemented a beta version of cross-chain atomic exchanges via the Lightning network available for testing between XSN and LTC. Their current goal is to improve the user experience of the LN and develop a "one-click" solution for atomic LN exchanges. They also worked to bring the ltcd at top speed with the latest on btcd that will allow Litecoin support on the neutrino, a Lightning Network light client. This marks an important first step in making it easier to develop LN apps as a complete node will no longer be required to run an LN portfolio or application for lnd implementations.



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