Lessons from Wuhan – China may Corona – but would we resist its measures?


For months, the number of infections in the country has been low. But the price is high: some infections are followed by rigid blockades and the regime encourages denunciation.

China is taking action to fight the pandemic: a police officer walks through a classroom with a thermal imaging camera.

China is taking action to fight the pandemic: a police officer walks through a classroom with a thermal imaging camera.

Photo: Imago

It is not difficult to find out what China did well during the Crown crisis. The Chinese government brings the unsolicited 125-page answer to reporters at the door, in a box with ten copies of its white paper on its own crown policy.

But regardless of the propaganda that is supposed to make the world believe that China’s autocratic system is superior, there is no question: China has the crown situation largely under control some eleven months after the virus was discovered in Wuhan. The children go to school, the cinemas are open, the restaurants and discos are full. For months, there have rarely been more than a few dozen new infections a day in the country where a fifth of the world’s population lives. So can you learn anything from China? (Keep reading: How China is pushing the case numbers)

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