Latest news: important step for corona treatment! Additional fund of $ 70 million from the billionaire couple


He said the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the foundation of Microsoft founder Bill Gates and his wife, will provide an additional $ 70 million in funding to ensure equal access to the vaccine to be developed against the coronavirus.

The Foundation announced that it will pay $ 50 million to the COVAX Advanced Market Commitment (AMC), led by the GAVI vaccine alliance, which aims to provide the coronavirus vaccine to poor countries, and $ 20 million to the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI). , which co-funded the development of several Covid-19 vaccine candidates. In a statement from the foundation, it was said that the money will go to global efforts to develop and distribute vaccines and treatments against the coronavirus outbreak, and they hope other international donors will now take on greater commitments.


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