Last minute! The US Senate approves Trump’s candidate for Supreme Court Justice Barrett


The United States Senate approved Amy Coney Barrett, who was appointed by President Donald Trump as a Supreme Court Justice. In the vote opposed by Democratic senators, Republicans who hold the majority in the Senate sent Barrett to the Supreme Court by a majority.

According to AA news; While all Democrats and Republican Senator Susan Collins voted against in the General Assembly vote, 52 Republicans voted “yes”.

Barrett, who has thus become the fastest Supreme Court judge in US history, is expected to officially take office in a few days.


On the other hand, a week before the presidential election on November 3, Democrats are now opposing the appointment of the Supreme Court judge.

Democrats argue that the candidate for that position should be determined by the new president.

Democrats also argue that conservative-minded Barrett, who was nominated for the death of liberal-inspired judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg, will be biased on controversial issues like the health care system, abortion law and homosexuality in the United States.


With Barrett’s candidacy approved, the political trend map at the Supreme Court was formed as 3 liberal judges versus 5 conservative judges.

With the addition of the President of the Court, John Roberts, whose general tendency is conservative, to this equation, the new framework means a clear advantage of 6 to 3 in favor of conservatives.

This situation, which is rare in US political history, should allow Barrett to play a very critical role if the November 3 election turns into possible chaos and the Supreme Court steps in to make the final decision.


Born in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1972, the eldest son of a family of 7 children, Barrett remained there until the end of high school.

Barrett graduated from the Department of English Literature at Rhodes College in Tennessee, and graduated from Notre Dame University Law School in 1997, where he received a full scholarship.

Barrett, who is married and has 7 children, has held many academic and legal positions and was appointed by President Trump as a judge of the 7th District Court of Appeals on May 8, 2017. Barrett has been in office since, who has received l ‘approval by the Senate on October 31, 2017.


Judge Amy Coney Barrett, appointed by US President Donald Trump as a member of the Supreme Court, was sworn in at a ceremony held at the White House.

Barrett was sworn in at a ceremony held in the White House after his Supreme Court membership was approved by a vote in the Senate. Barrett thus became one of the 9 members of the Supreme Court.

“Today is a very important day for America,” US President Trump said in his speech before the inauguration. he used the expression.

Noting that Barrett was the first person to be elected as a Supreme Court judge when he had a school-age child, Trump said, “We should never lose our faith in our history, heritage and heroes.” She said.

In his speech after taking the oath, Barrett thanked the Senate for trusting him and said, “I promise you and the American people that I will do my duties to the best of my ability.” I speak.

Stressing that the rule of law should always be protected, Barrett said he will fulfill his duty without fear of anything.

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