Last minute … Joe Biden spoke very clearly: I wouldn’t hesitate.


Joe Biden has announced plans for the steps he will take in the field of economics after meeting names from the business world.

Claiming that he wants to put the economy back on track by keeping the virus in check, Biden said: “There is a dark winter ahead of us, things will get even more difficult before they get on the right track. Effort is needed. to fight Covid. In this way, we can open our workplaces safely, continue our lives and this. “We can leave the epidemic behind. It will be difficult, but we can be successful. “


Claiming that the sooner the Trump administration has access to the vaccine distribution plan, the sooner he and his team have access to the transition process, Biden said, “If we don’t cooperate, more people could die.”

Stating that small businesses and entrepreneurs should be supported, Biden said the US Congress should come together and approve the economic aid package immediately.

Last minute ... Joe Biden spoke very clearly: I wouldn't hesitate.

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Citing that it will create jobs for millions of people with clean energy and the electric car market, Biden noted that he will not contract with any company that does not manufacture in the United States.

Asked whether the vaccines developed by US pharmaceutical companies Pfizer and Moderna would be approved, Biden replied, “If Dr. Fauci or these two companies came to the conclusion that the vaccine is safe, I would not hesitate about the vaccine.”

Joe Biden said Trump is the only reason people don’t trust the vaccine.


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