Last minute: EU statement “We are approaching the turning point in relations with Turkey” – News


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European Union (EU) High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, the direction to follow in relations with Turkey will be held on 10-11 December, said EU leaders will decide at the summit , “our relationships are nearing the turning point.” She said.

Borrell held a press conference after the meeting of EU foreign ministers. EU-US relations after the elections in the United States, Belarus, Libya, Afghanistan, the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh issues such as Borrell pointed out that they discussed “the situation has worsened on relations with Turkey,” he said.

The Eastern Mediterranean of the EU recalled that, in solidarity with the Greek Cypriot side and Greece Borrell, Turkey’s violation of UN resolutions and the tension of recent actions and statements concerning Cyprus have argued that the triggering.

Borrell continued as follows:

“Understanding that Turkey’s behavior improves separation with the EU is necessary. I’m sorry to say, but EU foreign ministers think so. We also need to change Turkey’s approach to return to a positive agenda as we wish. . He will decide the direction to go to the European Council next month. Time is running out and we are nearing the turning point in our relations with Turkey. “

in relations between Turkey and the positive agenda of the EU or sanctions outside the UN for the resumption of talks with Cyprus under the auspices of the recognition of the time, it was asked whether such an option Borrell will be considered before the decision to come out of the summit of EU leaders emphasizes that the factors are power.

Borrell is giving the information that he is currently working to organize an international conference on the Eastern Mediterranean, the decision will be argued that the top of the range depends on the attitude of Turkey. Borrell noted that he has not seen a positive signal so far and that developments such as the opening of closed Varosha are seen by EU foreign ministers as negative developments.

“Our position paper on the Eastern Mediterranean conference is ready. We have consulted with the ambassadors of the countries that should be invited,” said Borrell. She said.


Borrell said the EU will expand its sanctions package against Belarus. Recalling that the EU, which has imposed sanctions on more than 50 Belarusian officials, including Alexander Lukashenko after the elections held in Belarus in August, has so far targeted individuals, Borrell said some organizations and companies will be added to the package.

Expressing that the Belarusian administration continues to pressure the opposition despite the sanctions, Borrell said that most EU member states want a new sanctions package to be prepared and that they will focus on some sensitive economic points.

Noting that they had the opportunity to discuss US-EU relations with foreign ministers for the first time since the US elections, Borrell stressed that a strategically self-sufficient EU would also be in the interest of the US. Borrell said the EU’s strategic autonomy is being discussed, but the EU will continue to be Washington’s best partner. Borrell said the US will invite the new foreign minister to the EU foreign ministers meeting when he becomes available.

Stressing that the aid conference will be held next week on Afghanistan and that the EU will continue to support the peace process in the country, Borrell said he was ready to contribute to the work of the OSCE Minsk Group for a permanent settlement in the region .

Borrell said that Libya was also discussed during the meeting and that they saw encouraging developments towards the turning point for the solution of the problem, but did not underestimate the difficulties. Borrell stressed that the Libyans deserve the support needed for a solution without external intervention.

Referring to the conflicts in Ethiopia, Borrell said that the situation is a grave concern, that there is the danger of a humanitarian crisis, he recalled that they are asking for dialogue and that they are ready for support.

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