LAST MINUTE! A vehicle crushed pedestrians in Germany! There are dead and wounded …


Speaking at a press conference held in the municipality of Trier, Rhineland-Palatinate Interior Minister Roger Lewentz said four people died in the accident, one of them was a baby and 15 people were recorded as serious and slightly injured. .

Trier Deputy Police Chief Franz-Dieter Ankler said the 51-year-old German-born Trier, entered a pedestrian street, was arrested and the vehicle secured.

Stating that the crime scene and its surroundings had been closed with a security strip and that the investigation was continuing, Ankler noted that the suspect was quickly captured and questioned.

Prosecutor Peter Fritzen said the suspect was being investigated for four murders, multiple assassination attempts and deliberate injuries to many.

Frietsen said that in the first examination of the incident there was no evidence of any religious or political content regarding the attack.


German Chancellor Angela Merkel also said in the message she posted that the news from Trier saddened her and wished her condolences to the relatives of those who lost their lives and the healing of the wounded.

Merkel said in her message that she is in contact with Prime Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate Malu Dreyer about the state of the investigation.

On the other hand, it was announced that tomorrow morning at 10:00 a commemoration event will be held in front of the Porta Nigra gate in the city to commemorate those who lost their lives in the accident.

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