Krestina, Angelina and Maria. The trial of the Khachaturyan sisters divides Russia


It is a case that has divided Russian society over the past two years and will see a process begin tomorrow that promises to get a lot of ink flowing. The trial of the Khachaturyan sisters: Krestina, Angelina and Maria are accused of the premeditated and violent killing of their father, after years of sexual abuse. Russian public opinion is divided. Some believe it was self-defense, as the young women claim, and demand a change in the charge, others think it was premeditated and extremely violent murder.

This is actually the thesis defended by the Russian prosecutor’s office, since the body of Mikhail Khachaturyan was found on the stairs of the building where he lived in the modest Bibirevo district in Moscow in July 2018, with several injured, including dozens of wounds in the chest and neck caused by a knife.

The crime was planned on the eve of his death, when his father returned from a psychiatric clinic. Furious to see the messy room and a lock of blonde hair on the floor, Mikhail called the room one by one, accusing the young women of receiving men at home and spraying them with pepper gas, causing terror in the young women. Then he went for a nap in a rocking chair. And it was at that moment that Krestina (19), Angelina (18) and Maria (17) decided to attack their father with a hammer, a knife and the same spray he had used before. The shots woke him up and it was then that one of them stabbed him to death, according to the transcripts of the interrogation given to the press.

Also according to the accusation, the sisters tried to hurt themselves to make it appear that their father had attacked them before and only later they called the police and an ambulance. The next day, they were arrested and confessed to the crime, claiming they had suffered years of sexual, physical and emotional abuse from their father. They could not leave the house and had stopped going to school.

“We think they had no other choice. The father drove the girls to despair, their lives were a continuous hell. They cannot be compared to healthy, calm and balanced people. They developed severe mental illnesses, including abuse syndrome and post-traumatic stress. All exams have confirmed it, “said one of the nuns’ lawyers, Aleksey Parshin, recalling that the abuses had been perpetuating for four years, since the father had expelled his mother from home, under threat of death for she and her daughters.


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