Julen, the two-year-old boy who has fallen into a well, keeps Spain unfinished. What happens now that the authorities have found biological evidence


The Spanish authorities say that the evidence is the confirmation that the boy is really in the well. However, according to Sky News, the chances of survival diminish hour by hour.

The image of Julen, the two-year-old son in a well, holds Spain pending. What happens now that the authorities have found biological evidence

Rescue teams have found biological evidence of the boy who fell in a fountain in Spain. What's happening now?

The two-year-old boy named Julen has fallen to a depth of over 100 meters on Sunday afternoons, according to Sky News and CNN. He left his parents while his family was walking in a mountainous area north of the city of Totan.

Rescuers on the scene found more hair in the well. Their discovery brings hope that the boy can still be found and is the first to confirm that Julen is in the deep and narrow hole.

Alfonso Rodriguez Gomez, a government representative in the southwest region of Andalusia, said that "after finding the evidence, we analyzed them with the help of a DNA test, and attest to the fact that the wires they belong to the boy ".

The child's father, Jose, said the discovery was "little light" for him and for Julen's mother. They add that they are "destroyed, but we hope that their angel returns".

The saviors also found a bag of candy in the fountain, but the video camera they threw into the hole did not surprise any boy's traces.

"There is hope that Julen is still alive, but the chances diminish every minute that passes" The mayor of Totalan, Miguel Angel Escano, says.

Rescue teams continue to dig two tunnels, one parallel to a well and the other with an angle that could reach the point where the child is suspected.

The authorities expected that the operation, although very difficult in a mountainous area, would not last for more than 48 hours.

The fountain was built a month ago during water inspections and was not covered with protective equipment, local media reported.

Read also: rescue mission against the timer. The child who escaped to a fountain in Malaga is at a depth of 100 meters
Read also: A two-year-old boy has fallen more than 100 meters into a well in Spain. How does the rescue work?

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