Joe Biden’s Team Admits Went to Court for Power Transition | USA 2020 elections


Joe Biden’s transition team is considering entering court due to the General Services Administration (ESG) delay in recognizing the Democrat as president-elect, a decision that is blocking monetary funds, federal agency offices and access to information necessary for the president-elect to prepare for his inauguration.

“Legal action is certainly a possibility, but there are other options we are also considering,” Joe Biden’s campaign said in a statement, quoted by Reuters.

According to CNN, which cites two sources close to the president-elect, Joe Biden said last weekend he intends to give the Republican Party and President Donald Trump more time to accept the election results before taking more drastic measures.

Bearing in mind that, even before the election, Donald Trump had already hinted that he would not accept a defeat or a peaceful transfer of power, Joe Biden’s team was ready for the challenges of the weeks following the election.

However, the transition could be even more difficult than expected and began early with the blockade of the federal agency led by Trump-nominated Emily Murphy in 2017, which until recently was virtually unknown.

In order for the transition process to officially begin, the ASG administrator must sign a document that unlocks more than $ 6.3 million for Joe Biden’s transition team, federal funds that will be used to pay salaries and other expenses up to the inauguration scheduled for January 20. In addition, the president’s campaign automatically receives access to various federal agencies and confidential information, particularly in matters of national security.

Traditionally, the ASG unlocks the process once one of the presidential candidates secures 270 top voters at Electoral College – in Joe Biden’s case, this assurance came on Saturday, four days after the election, with the confirmation of victory in Pennsylvania.

In 2008, for example, when Barack Obama defeated John McCain, the document in question was signed on election night, as soon as average gave victory to the Democrat. Back in 2016, when Trump defeated Hillary Clinton, the Obama administration unblocked the transition process the day after election night.

The one exception, since the ASG was created in 1963, has been in 2000, when Al Gore contested the election result in the state of Florida, leading to a recount of the votes, in a process that dragged on until December, ending Democratic Party candidate grants defeat to Republican Party opponent George W. Bush.

The ASG refers to that case to justify the fact that it has not yet declared Joe Biden the winner, an argument that does not convince the Democratic Party, since in 2000 there was a difference of only 500 votes in the state that decided the elections.

For Democrats, this time around, the delay essentially concerns an attempt by the Trump administration to sabotage the handover of power, while the American president remains committed to continuing the fight in the courts, with the support of leading figures in the Republican Party. like Republican Majority Leader in the Senate, Mitch McConnell.

Democrat Gerry Connolly, a member of the oversight committee of the House of Representatives, told ABC News that Emily Murphy “runs a non-partisan agency that should facilitate the transition to the next administration after the elections,” the administrator accuses. ‘ASG to “partisanize” the federal agency.


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