Joe Biden gets 306 delegates by winning Georgia, Trump keeps North Carolina – The Economic Journal


Joe Biden is expected to finish this year’s presidential run with 306 Electoral College votes to Donald Trump’s 232, according to plans by Edison Research, which has assigned Georgia delegates to Biden while Trump keeps North Carolina. Biden thus gains the same number of electors as Trump reached in 2016.

Despite the ongoing litigation, the results so far show that the state of Georgia will fall back to Biden. Electoral officials, including the Secretary of State, have already ensured that there will be a recount, due to the narrow margin between the two candidates. This is a notable victory, as the 16 Big Electors in this state usually cast their vote for the Republican candidate.

The state of North Carolina, on the other hand, has maintained its preference for Donald Trump, thus guaranteeing another 15 delegates. However, the 232 votes in the constituency are less than the 270 needed to hold office, so Trump will be in the group of presidents for just one term.

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