Is the Trump administration hoping for a voter coup in December?


The Trump administration continues to play on ostrich politics. President-elect Donald Trump (74) was mainly involved in golf and Twitter for the week following the election. Now his foreign minister Mike Pompeo (56) has surprised with statements as if he lived on another planet. “There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration,” Pompeo told reporters Tuesday. “We are ready.”

Asked if his ministry was preparing to hand over power to President-elect Joe Biden (77) and his team, Pompeo looked irritated. It was important, Pompeo replied, that “every legal vote” be counted – and repeated as Vice President Mike Pence (61) and First Lady Melania (50) Trump’s new mantra. “When the process is complete, the voters will be selected,” Pompeo said. “There is a process. The constitution makes that clear enough. “

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