Investigate Trump’s stews with grace


US Federal Judge Beryl A Howell is conducting an investigation into an alleged corruption scheme to obtain presidential pardon from outgoing president, Donald Trump, in exchange for donations to political action committees.
Telesur reports that the Prosecutor’s Office has been investigating people who were in contact with Trump officials seeking forgiveness, although no one has apparently been charged.

The indictment is led by William Barr, who being Trump’s henchman, on Tuesday indicated that there are no indications of an election fraud, which according to US Senate minority leader Democrat Chuck Schumer could cost him the La Barr’s charge, said RT.

On Tuesday, the New York Times highlighted the “presidential indulgences and indulgences that Trump would consider performing before leaving the White House,” such as those of “his three eldest children, Donald (s), Eric and Ivanka,” and “his son-in-law and adviser, Jared Kushner”, and that of his lawyer and former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, with “preventive pardon”, in the event “the incoming Democratic government has taken legal action against them”.

Trump shouted that “the pardon investigation is false,” although 50 electronic equipment (computers and cell phones) related to this case were confiscated from the White House.

In 2024. It emerged that during a Christmas reception at the White House, Trump warned guests that he will be racing again in 2024. “We are trying to reach another 4 years. Otherwise, see you in 4 years, “he said

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