Infected with coronavirus: English woman gives birth to twins in a coma


Small miracle in the Covid crisis: in Birmingham, England, a woman gave birth to twins while she was in a coma due to the coronavirus. At first he couldn’t believe it.

Perpetual Uke found it hard to believe that she had twins while in a coma.


A British woman with coronavirus gave birth to twins in a four-week coma. When she regained consciousness 16 days after the caesarean section, the doctors told her about the offspring. “I couldn’t believe it,” said the mother, Perpetual Uke, who works as a rheumatism expert at a Birmingham hospital.

She never saw the pregnancy belly again and therefore initially believed her children were dead, the woman told Sky News. The babies were born on 10 April in the 26th week of pregnancy, but the unusual case was only now known in Britain. The girl weighed only 770 grams at birth, the boy a little more at 850 grams. After 116 days, the twins were discharged from the hospital.

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A Perpetual Uke gave birth to twins in a Birmingham hospital.

A Perpetual Uke gave birth to twins in a Birmingham hospital.

She was infected with the coronavirus and remained in a coma for four weeks.  (Symbol image)

She was infected with the coronavirus and remained in a coma for four weeks. (Symbol image)


When the doctors told her about the birth, she couldn't believe it.

When the doctors told her about the birth, she couldn’t believe it.


“We are a team”

She regrets that her youngest son had such a difficult start in life, said the woman, who has two other children, the BBC broadcaster. “But the important thing is that things went so well”. Her husband is also grateful that the “terrible” times are over: “Every single day I hoped my wife wasn’t among the dead. We are a team. “

Great Britain is particularly affected by the pandemic and has the most registered victims in Europe (around 53,000). In the past two weeks, the country with its 68 million inhabitants has counted about 505 infections for every 100,000 people, according to the European epidemic authority ECDC. Corona tests are lacking and several hospitals have already reached capacity limits. In England there is a partial block at least until 2 December.

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