In prison for 25 years: she gave birth and left her daughter in a ravine in Ecuador


The 17-day-old girl was found in a ravine in January of this year, in the San Bartolomé de Pinllo area of ​​the city of Ambato, and although she was still alive, she died upon arrival at the hospital.


A court in the city of Tungurahua province in central Ecuador sentenced a mother to 25 years in prison who abandoned her newborn daughter in a stream, causing her death three days later when she was found by an athlete.

This was reported on Thursday 19-N by the State Attorney General, who explained in a statement that the exceptional sentence for “abandonment and death” of the newborn was applied.

“The Tungurahua Criminal Guarantee Court sentenced Alexandra AP as responsible for the crime and imposed an aggravated sentence of 25 years of deprivation of liberty,” the statement read.

The 17-day-old girl was found in a stream in January of this year, in the San Bartolomé de Pinllo area of ​​the city of Ambato, and although she was still alive, she died upon arrival at the hospital.

At the hearing, prosecutor Mabel Díaz showed that the girl’s death was due to “a multi-organ failure due to the condition in which she was abandoned, which caused the development of larvae in her eyes and private parts”.

Among the evidence provided during the trial were “messages from the social network Facebook, in which the woman sentenced today acknowledges her participation in the act”.

The newborn was found on January 19 wrapped in a blanket by a citizen who practiced sports near the Lacón ravine.

According to the statement, she was rescued while still alive and transferred by firefighters and police officers to the Ambato Teaching Hospital, but died on arrival.

“The girl would have spent three whole days in the stream. The accused would have lost contact with her parents from that date and when she recovered they realized that she no longer had her newborn daughter, so they notified 911 ECU”. Press release.

It was the Specialized Police for Children and Adolescents (Dinapen), in coordination with the Prosecutor’s Office, to locate the woman, detained “after having recognized her child and her participation in the accused act”.

The crime of abandonment of persons is characterized by Article 153, third paragraph, of the Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code (COIP), and although it results in a prison sentence of sixteen to nineteen years, in this case Ecuadorian justice has applied aggravating circumstances, for which earned him 25 years in prison.

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