In case of violation of the rules: how former president Donald Trump threatens to be immediately blocked on Twitter


From January 20, 2021, Donald Trump will lose his presidential privileges on Twitter. If a rule is violated, this could mean immediate deletion of your account.

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Donald Trump is not a fan of press conferences.

Donald Trump is not a fan of press conferences.


He prefers to reach out to the US population via Twitter.

He prefers to reach out to the US population via Twitter.


But Twitter recently provided warnings about many Trump tweets.

But Twitter recently provided warnings about many Trump tweets.


  • Donald Trump likes to tweet for his life and he also likes to announce important decisions on Twitter.

  • However, the relationship with the short message service has been strained for a long time.

  • Many of his tweets have received a warning recently.

  • If Trump continues to break the rules after his term, he is threatened with cancellation.

Donald Trump is not a fan of tradition and conventional approaches. Press conferences were a rarity in his four years as president of the United States. The 74-year-old prefers to use Twitter as a direct means of communicating with the population. Its reach is enormous, with nearly 89 million people following Trump on the short message platform. It has the sixth-largest number of Twitter followers in the world.

Donald Trump’s love-hate relationship with Twitter

But Donald Trump’s relationship with Twitter is strained. The still president of the United States is not considered a friend of Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, whom he has often criticized in the past. Twitter, on the other hand, has repeatedly limited Trump’s activities in recent months. In May, for example, the president of the United States tweeted: “When the looting begins, so do the shootings,” which the texting service had interpreted as a call for violence.

Ever since Donald Trump vehemently denied the US election outcome, Twitter has provided warning notices to nearly all of his tweets. “This allegation of election fraud is controversial,” says various messages in which Trump accuses Democrats of illegally influencing the elections. Or «Find out here how safe it is to vote by mail».

Soon no more privileges

As long as Trump is president of the United States, he enjoys the special privileges that Twitter has for heads of state. This is because what they tweet is of public interest. This special treatment ends on January 20, 2021, the day of Joe Biden’s inauguration, as clarified by the spokesperson for the technology portal “The Verge”.

“Our approach to heads of state, candidates and other people in public office is based on the principle that people must be able to decide for themselves what to read from their politicians – with a clear context,” he said. “This means we can issue warnings and limit retransmission of some tweets.” However, this mechanism only applies to those who are currently elected and candidates “and not to private citizens who no longer hold office”.

Specifically, this means: If Donald Trump breaks Twitter’s rules of conduct after January 20, 2021, he will be threatened with his account being blocked instead of a warning.

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