Hundreds of rescuers in action: several deaths from bad weather in Sardinia


Several people were killed in Sardinia in severe storms and floods. It is the second consecutive weekend with severe thunderstorms.

Severe storms with flooding on the Italian island of Sardinia caused severe damage and killed people over the weekend. According to the Interior Ministry, three people died as a result of floods in the municipality of Bitti, in the north-east of the island. A 90-year-old was found dead in a mud-covered house, firefighters announced Saturday.

Videos circulating on the Internet showed masses of water flowing through narrow streets. The cars were stuck deep in the mud, and some rescuers were standing almost knee-deep in the water. According to their own information, the firefighters moved to Sardinia and also to the island of Sicily hit from Saturday to Sunday at noon for well over 200 missions. Furthermore, according to information, a bridge collapsed in Bitti on Saturday, without injuries.

“I am close to the families of the victims and I express my solidarity with the communities of Nuoro that have been severely affected by the floods,” Italian Interior Minister Luciana Lamorgese said Sunday.

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At least three people died in bad weather in Sardinia.

At least three people died in bad weather in Sardinia.

Getty Images

Videos circulating on the Internet showed masses of water flowing through narrow streets.  The cars were stuck deep in the mud, and some rescuers were standing almost knee-deep in the water.

Videos circulating on the Internet showed masses of water flowing through narrow streets. The cars were stuck deep in the mud, and some rescuers were standing almost knee-deep in the water.

Getty Images

The cars were stuck deep in the mud, and some rescuers were standing almost knee-deep in the water.

The cars were stuck deep in the mud, and some rescuers were standing almost knee-deep in the water.

Getty Images

Second storm within a week

The civil protection authority had warned of thunderstorms not to be anywhere, if possible, because the water level could change very quickly. The red weather alert level has been issued for the popular tourist island of Sardinia. The island of Sicily and the regions of Calabria on the tip of the Italian boot as well as Basilicata were also affected by the storms.

The previous weekend, heavy rains had flooded places in the south and flooded country roads. The flood situation in the area around the town of Crotone in Calabria was particularly dramatic. There helpers with inflatable boats and amphibious vehicles were used to free people trapped in cars and houses from the water. The firefighters spoke of 200 rescue operations. There were no injuries.


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