Humanitarian Action for Children 2021 – Ukraine – Ukraine



  • After seven years of conflict, women and children in eastern Ukraine remain extremely vulnerable. The conflict is putting civilians to the test: regular violations of the ceasefire damage homes and social infrastructure, lead to mine contamination and restrict access to services, threatening the mental and physical well-being of children. The 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has created additional challenges for already weak health services.

  • In 2021, UNICEF will safeguard children’s rights to safety, health, education, psychosocial support, child protection and water, sanitation and sanitation (WASH) services and address the needs of more than 820,000 people. The response will address the impacts of the conflict and the COVID-19 pandemic in eastern Ukraine.

  • UNICEF is requesting $ 14.7 million to provide access to basic services including WASH, immunization and primary health care, distance education and learning, support for psychosocial and gender-based violence, and protection for children and families.


40,000 facility and community health workers trained in infection prevention and control

820,000 people who have access to sufficient drinking water

35,000 children / guardians accessing mental health and psychosocial support

50,000 people who participate in engagement actions

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