he poisoned 2 children and allegedly tried to kill their mother


The 25-year-old woman who is currently being held for the murder of her two children and a man on October 28, it would also be directly related to another violent death in June.

“We found a link to a previous poisoned murder. Furthermore, the criminalistics department found traces of the accused in the place where a victim died, ”said General Fausto Olivo, head of the Directorate for Violent Deaths (Dinased).

The police also confirmed that in the first investigations they found footprints inside the building where a man died on 11 June and which coincide with those of the accused, so there is presumably a connection between the two cases.

According to the security agency, the suspect acted with the same modus operandi in both murders because the victims showed signs of poisoning in their respective agencies.

Requests, likewise, I specify that the woman could be responsible for other “attempted murders of members of the same family environment”“Including his two brothers and his mother, who suffered a stroke after consuming a strange chemical.

Police Major Iván Naranjo, Head of the Violent Death Unit of the Metropolitan District of Ecuador, finally he stressed that the woman would act consciously in all casessince no drugs or hallucinogenic drugs were found in his body.

The young man who poisoned two children also allegedly tried to kill his mother


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