Germany: partial blockade probably until just before Christmas


According to an insider, the prime ministers of the German federal states have agreed to extend measures to contain the crown pandemic until December 20.

On Thursday he will make a statement from the government: German Chancellor Angela Merkel.  (November 23, 2020)

On Thursday he will make a statement from the government: German Chancellor Angela Merkel. (November 23, 2020)

Keystone / Christian Marquardt

To contain the crown pandemic, the partial blockade in Germany is expected to be extended until just before Christmas. The presidents of the federal states ministers agreed on Monday evening that the measures, which were previously limited to the end of November, should initially be continued until December 20, the German news agency learned from participants. The final decision will be made on Wednesday, when the country’s representatives meet Chancellor Angela Merkel.

If the partial lockdown was extended, the restaurants, leisure and cultural facilities that have been closed since the beginning of November have remained closed. In addition, strict contact restrictions would continue to apply. The measures aim to ensure that the number of new infections is significantly reduced.

In addition, stricter contact restrictions for private meetings and an extended mask requirement in schools were under discussion. It is unclear whether the anti-crown measures should always be extended by 14 days from December 20 if the infection rate does not significantly decrease or if the course is discussed again in mid-December. It also remained open as to whether there will be exceptions for areas with a low number of infections: the criterion is below 35 or below 50 new infections per 100,000 population within 7 days and a downward trend.

Government statement Thursday

The discussions of the prime ministers lasted four and a half hours. Then we talked about good advice. On Tuesday there should be negotiations between the heads of the state chancelleries and the head of the chancellery, Helge Braun, around noon. A document was expected to be drawn up later in the day, under which a consultation with Merkel will take place on Wednesday.

According to information from the dpa, skepticism has been expressed in national circles that the chancellor is satisfied with the countries’ proposals. In these circles, the federal government was expected to want to impose stricter requirements for school regulations and requirements for Christmas than federal states are willing to resolve. Merkel had failed during consultations a week ago with a proposal for more extensive contact restrictions and stricter rules in schools due to federal state vetoes.

The chancellor wants to make a government statement to the Bundestag on Thursday after consultations with states, government spokesman Steffen Seibert announced.

Extend the support

The federal government has already announced that it will extend November aid to provide financial support to businesses affected by closures, as well as self-employed workers such as artists, if the partial lockdown is extended. It is likely to cost billions more. “If we extend the Corona measures, the aid must also be extended,” SPD chief Norbert Walter-Borjans told the Germany editorial network (RND / Tuesday).

In a document that was used as the basis for deliberations on Monday evening and was available to the German news agency, it was said that the crown numbers had stabilized at a high level. But the whole clear cannot be given for a long time. “Because the number of infections is still too high in many places. The hoped-for trend reversal was not reached in November, only a “sideways trend” has been observed so far.

Restrictions on contacts: According to the newspaper, private meetings with relatives and acquaintances should be limited to your family unit and to another family unit, but in any case to a maximum of 5 people instead of the previous 10 people. Children up to 14 years are exempt.

Christmas: For holidays, we suggest an extension of the maximum number of people for indoor and outdoor gatherings: based on this, meetings of a family with unfamiliar family members or people outside the family should be possible up to a maximum of 5 or even 10 people. Children up to the age of 14 should be exempt. It was not yet clear whether the regulation should apply for the period from 21 December to 3 January, i.e. also on New Year’s Eve, or only from 21 to 27 December.

New Year’s Eve: There were two alternatives to choose from, since the Union-led countries do not want to follow the demands of the SPD countries for a total ban on New Year bullying. Alternative 1: At the turn of the year, the sale, purchase and lighting of fireworks are prohibited to relieve emergency and auxiliary personnel, to keep the health system free and to avoid larger groups. Alternative 2 includes a recommendation to avoid the New Year’s fireworks. Slamming into busy squares and streets should be prohibited to avoid larger groups. Local authorities will regulate where the case should be. Business Insider magazine reported that federal states had agreed on option 2.

Schools: Federal states are united in their goal of keeping schools and kindergartens open for educational and socio-political reasons. However, it is still unclear what additional measures should be taken. SPD-led countries want to impose a mask requirement in the classroom from grade 7 onwards. This should apply to “significantly more” than 50 new infections per 100,000 population within seven days. Schools without infection can be excluded from this. To avoid groups of students, the start of classes should be staggered.

The countries led by the Union require in regions with an incidence of over 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants on the premises of all schools and secondary schools to wear a mask for the mouth and nose. In hotspots of special infection, a change between classroom and home teaching must be introduced in high school. It remains to be seen whether the start of the holiday season will be brought forward to December 21 to reduce contacts before Christmas.

Mask requirement: The requirement to wear a mouth and nose cover, which applies to public transport or retail, should be expanded, according to the document. In the future, according to the newspaper, it should also apply in front of retail stores and in parking lots. The same goes for all places open to the public in city centers, even outdoors, where people are in confined spaces or not just temporarily. The determination of the places and the time limit should be the responsibility of the local authorities.

Business: The population is called upon to shop for Christmas during the week if possible.

Home office: Employers are advised to check whether businesses can be closed during corporate holidays or generous home office solutions from 21 December to 3 January 2021 in order to be able to implement the “Stay at Home” principle nationwide .

Hospitals / Nursing: The federal government wants to provide 15 FFP2 masks per person for particularly vulnerable groups, such as patients in hospitals and residents of nursing homes, the elderly and facilities for the disabled, for a small personal contribution. In addition, 20 quick tests are provided per week for each person in need of care.

University: Colleges and universities should generally switch to digital teaching, with the exception of laboratory activities, internships, practical training phases and exams.

Religion: Federal and state governments want to seek talks with religious communities in order to reach agreements for church services and other religious gatherings with the aim of reducing contact. It is important to avoid religious gatherings with the nature of large events.

Social insurance: The federal government is stabilizing social security contributions to a maximum of 40 percent by covering additional financial needs from the federal budget until at least 2022. In this context, the federal government is examining how a tax-funded contribution stabilization to mandatory health insurance could look at against the background of the high additional costs caused by the crown.

Graduated plans for schools

SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach defends the planned extension and partial tightening of the state crown restrictions. If not, the number of cases could not be reduced enough before Christmas, “so we need to extend and tighten up,” he told the Augsburger Allgemeine (Tuesday). To contain the pandemic, more must be achieved, especially in schools and private meetings.

Authorized Federal Government Representative Andreas Westerfellhaus insists that care facilities continue to let in visitors despite the current high number of corona infections. Residents should decide for themselves whether they wish to receive visitors, he told the “Passauer Neue Presse” (Tuesday). Sufficient medical protective equipment is present. “There is no more shortage”.

The German Association of Cities has come out in favor of phased plans in schools in all countries as the infection rate increases. “It is important for cities that there is clarity, especially in their own federal state, when face-to-face lessons need to be reduced,” said city council chairman Burkhard Jung of the German news agency. Many cities fear that infections and necessary quarantine orders in schools are on the rise.

“Cities want good education for young people even during the pandemic,” Jung said. “We want to keep schools open as long as possible. But we also need practical scenarios so that schools can respond appropriately to large numbers of infections. “

(SDA / chk)

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