From Michigan Republicans to Trump: State election results won’t change


US President Trump hosted Republican leaders from Michigan, one of the most critical election states, in the White House, while continuing to allegations of election irregularities.

Michigan State Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey and Michigan House of Representatives Chairman Lee Chatfield released a written statement after the meeting.

Claiming they accepted the invitation Trump sent them on Wednesday, the leaders said they told Trump that Michigan needed additional funds in the fight against Kovid-19.


In the statement he stressed that the election process was scrutinized by the committees established, “We have not reached any information that will change the outcome of the Michigan election until now, as state leaders, we will follow the law and normal process in the delegation process. in Michigan “. the expression was used.

Referring to allegations that “the Trump team will press for election results in critical states to be determined by Republican state legislatures,” the statement said, “The process of formalizing election results in Michigan is far from all threats and pressures. A serious allegation is obviously taken seriously and investigated. Michigan “The candidate with the most votes will have all delegates from the provincial selection board.” Statement was included.


According to the news reflected in the US press, Trump, who lost most of the lawsuits filed in the States, is now trying to intervene in the proxy process in the States to change the election results.

Under the laws of the country, the candidate with the most votes in the states is the person to whom the delegates determined based on the population of that state will vote. For example, if the Republican candidate gets the majority of votes in one state, the Republican delegates in that state win the election and cast the vote for his party’s candidate.

According to AA news; Within the framework of the dates set out in the constitution, states must resolve electoral issues by 8 December and decide which party will be delegates. The group of delegates called the Selection Committee will meet on December 14 and vote.

However, Trump’s side wants to take the power to “approve” state election results from governors and secretaries of state and hand them over to state legislatures in Republican-majority states. Trump’s side argues that the constitution gives them this right.

While this scenario is real and Trump has elected members of Electoral College in Pennsylvania and Michigan from the Republican wing, the current delegation table is 270 (Biden) – 268 (Trump). When this is the case, Trump must wait for the results to change in at least one other state.

On the other hand, according to the law called “Electoral Counting Act”, the governor of each state must make official documentation of the election results.


Joe Biden won the critical state of Michigan in the 59th presidential election in the United States. According to unofficial results, Biden overtook Republican rival Donald Trump in the state of Michigan.

Trump has announced he has the advantage in Michigan.

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