Former President of France Valedy Giscard d’Easting dies


Former President of France Valery Giscard d’Estaing has died at the age of 94 after being caught in Covid-19.

It has been noted that d’Estaing, who was hospitalized several times in recent months for heart problems, died surrounded by family members in his home in the Loire area.

A written statement from the family said: “His health conditions worsened due to Covid-19 and therefore he died.” It was pointed out that d’Easting will be a special ceremony at the behest of the funeral.

L’Estaing was last seen publicly on September 30 last year at the funeral of another former president, Jacques Chirac, who also served as prime minister for one term.

In 1974, at the age of 48, d’Eastaing became the youngest president of the last century after defeating his socialist rival Francois Mitterrand, this time lost to Mitterrand in 1981, after a seven-year presidential term.

In France, d’Eastaing was known for its radical reforms, such as liberalizing abortion, facilitating divorce and lowering the age to vote to 18.

He also played a role in the European Monetary Union in Europe with his close collaboration with German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt. Like Scchmidt, he favored close ties with the United States.

The G7 meetings had also started on his initiative.

He was elected to lead the drafting of the EU Constitution in 2001, which was later rejected by French voters, and ended his active political life after losing his parliamentary seat in 2004.

In May 2020, French prosecutors launched an investigation into alleged manual harassment of a German journalist after the interview, denying the allegations.

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