Fluctuating state disputed: Donald Trump failed – Pennsylvania also confirms election victory for Joe Biden


More and more US states are making official the results of the November 3 elections these days. The troubled Swing State Pennsylvania confirmed Tuesday that Joe Biden has won his 20th electorate.

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Joe Biden's election victory is now official in Pennsylvania.

Joe Biden’s election victory is now official in Pennsylvania.


The state announced Biden's victory on Tuesday.

The state announced Biden’s victory on Tuesday.


The result is now official.

The result is now official.


  • Joe Biden is officially the winner of the election in the US state of Pennsylvania.

  • Donald Trump’s camp fails in its attempt to invalidate the election result.

  • Governor Tom Wolf ordered state voters to vote for Biden in the president’s nomination.

Pennsylvania officially confirmed the presidential election result as another contested US state with Joe Biden’s victory. This removes even more air from the sails of defeated President Donald Trump in his attempts to overturn the outcome of the November 3 election with legal attacks. Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf then announced that he had formally ordered the state’s 20 voters to vote for Biden. Biden won in Pennsylvania with 80,500 votes.

Pennsylvania brings 20 voters to Joe Biden

The president of the United States is not elected directly by the people, but on December 14 by 538 voters who vote in their state based on the result. With 20 voters, Pennsylvania is one of the most important states. Donald Trump’s attorneys had attempted to invalidate election results in several states so that local parliaments would instead appoint voters to vote for him. However, their lawsuits failed in court.

Michigan had already officially confirmed the results the day before and Georgia last week. They both have 16 voters each. 270 electoral votes are required to be elected president. Biden got 306 voters behind him.


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