Fear and empty streets after the announcement of the Eln armed strike in Cauca


The ELN claims control of Venezuelan territory from the FARC
The ELN claims control of Venezuelan territory from the FARC

Various videos of the different market squares or emblematic places of the municipalities of southern Cauca circulate on social networks, where the fear of the alleged interception of buses by heavily armed men has struck the inhabitants of the area.

Alleged members of the National Liberation Army (ELN) have threatened residents with an alleged armed attack which is already beginning to interest the inhabitants of Cauca, especially in the south of the department. According to El Espectador, the mobility of products and services is already affected.

The threats of an alleged armed strike by members of the ELN begin to hit Cauca, especially in the southern part of the department. As reported by various media, the effects of the alarms have already affected mobility and transport in the Cauca.

News Caracol picked up that many locals in the region reported him when they tried to travel this Saturday They were unable to reach the Popayán terminal due to the armed strike, especially in municipalities such as Argelia, Patía, Bolívar or Almarguer.

Due to this, the transport companies began to limit the sale of tickets, so that their vehicles and passengers were not intercepted by the ELN guerrillas.

The armed attack by the ELN in Cauca filled its inhabitants with fear and left the streets empty

It is estimated that at least ten municipalities in the south of the Cauca are cut off for this reason.

Citizens of various municipalities have posted videos on social media where empty streets and market squares can be seen with no sellers or buyers due to threats.

Archive photo.  Guerrillas of the National Liberation Army (ELN) rest in front of a house in the jungle of the Chocó department, Colombia, 31 August 2017. REUTERS / Federico Rios
Archive photo. Guerrillas of the National Liberation Army (ELN) rest in front of a house in the jungle of the Chocó department, Colombia, 31 August 2017. REUTERS / Federico Rios

The José María Becerra front published a letter a few days ago in which it threatened the start of said armed strike in the municipalities of Algeria, El Tambo or Balboa. In the text, they threatened that armed action would start on November 27 at 6pm.

According to the brochure, the only people who can move in this area of ​​the country are those who provide ambulance services or need medical attention

The population has chosen to remain in their homes despite the announcement of an extraordinary security council to prevent the actions of the ELN.

Although the authorities had planned an extraordinary security council to prevent the actions of illegal armed groups, the population chose to remain in their homes.

They also assured that from now on the entry of fuels or materials for the processing of coca and alcoholic beverages is prohibited for one month from the date in Algeria, López de Micay and El Tambo.

Violence in Cauca

Inhabitants of the village of Bombillal, Algeria, west of the department of Cauca, On November 14, they found the lifeless body of 14-year-old Alinzon de Jesús Pérez Medina, shot in the head and chest.

According to the authorities, the minor was originally from Barranquilla and the inhabitants of the sector, who reported the discovery, indicated that his body showed signs of torture and that his hands were tied.

RCN Radio reported that the community had to carry on the uprising and added that, apparently, The teenager was tortured and shot dead by members of the remnant organized armed group “Carlos Patiño”, dissident of the Farc.


“After the removal of the body, the community, through the Community Action Board, handed it over to family members, as the judicial authorities are not present in the territory”, detailed the radial middle.

Social network users criticized the absence of the authorities at the scene and revealed the note written on a page of the notebook by members of the Community Action Board as an act of raising the body.

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