The 11 biggest gaps in "Harry Potter"
Hey, Potter fans: let's talk.
When "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", the seventh and final installment of the Potter saga, appeared in 2007, the whole world flowed into the nearest bookstore. And it should be worth it: Joanne K. Rowling was able to significantly complete this monster in a series of books with numerous plots, so that no reader eventually felt like they had not even picked up what had happened in the course of the last few hundred pages, on the contrary, many people put the book aside with a strong "WHOA …" at the end.
But – and now you have to be very strong – unfortunately the "Harry Potter" series is not without mistakes. For seven books, it is certainly forgivable and it is not surprising that not all riddles or subplots are logically resolved one hundred percent. However, some of the following gaps are quite serious, if you think about it – what do you think about it?
What uneducated children
When did you start school – at the age of six? Seven? Five? It does not matter, but everyone has one thing in common: at the age of eleven you already had several years under the belt, unlike witches and wizards. As stated in the book, September 1 is the first day of school for magic children after their eleventh birthday neverIt has never been said that Ron and Co., prior to Hogwarts, also appreciated the basic education approach. Math? Spelling ?! Nobody. And that's not all: Hogwarts is the same.
McGonagall can only shake his head.
all the gifs: giphy
While Harry and his friends have exciting subjects like potions or transformations, they do not even seem to learn the basics or the rules of the comma. That they can do their homework on all sides with a miracle. Only the Muggle or Muggle-born, like Harry and Hermione, should theoretically be able to master at least the basics of elementary school. Or is it presumed in the magical world that all children are taught at home before starting school? Well, this at least would explain why no magical mother seems to have a job …
Why were not James and Lily their secretaries?
On October 31, 1981, the ball capsized: Voldemort visited Lily and James Potter at home and killed them. Harry had the thunderbolt, Voldemort disappeared and the story as we know it started – which, of course, we are very grateful. But the fact is that she actually He should not have started because James and Lily died completely in vain – because they had chosen the traitor Peter Pettigrew as their secret keeper and told him where they were hiding.
Dance in useless death?
The justification behind it is quite understandable: James & BFF Sirius should have kept the secret of Potter's hiding place, but Sirius told his friend to choose Peter a far less obvious one instead. But why did not James and Lily choose themselves?
That this would be possible, let's learn in "Deathly Hallows": Bill and Arthur are the secret keepers of their lodgings (Shell's cottage or Aunt Muriel's house). And this is fantastic, because after all, almost nothing can happen if the secret caretaker of the hiding place in hiding is. Why Lily and James did not do the same?
Peter Pettigrew, the animal marauder
Probably the biggest plot gap of the entire saga! Animagus Peter Pettigrew lived for years in the Weasley House as Ron & # 39; s Rat Scabbers and was revealed at the end of "The Prisoner of Azkaban" as a human being. A surprising twist, in which each of us was amazed – and a little disgustedly remembered that Ron had apparently shared the bed with Peter aka Scabbers night after night.
And that's where it becomes illogical: Ron and Scabbers were practically inseparable until Ron got to know the true identity of his mouse. But who would have noticed long ago that Scabbers was not all that it seemed to be? Ron's brothers: Fred and George. According to their own words, they had been holding the Marauder's paper for years before giving it to Harry. And now we should believe that they have never noticed that his brother constantly – even at night – is talking about a guy named Peter? The fact that the very well appeared on the map, was clear in the third volume.
Or did the twins suspect that their brother had a little secret …?
The Tremaghi Tournament is the most boring event of all time
"Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" is – let's face it – one of the most exciting books in the series. All of a sudden, Harry finds himself in a game of life and death, from which he thinks he is too young and unwilling to actually appear dead. There are three spectacular challenges facing opponents of various schools of magic: fighting a dragon, a rescue operation in a dark lake and a twisted labyrinth. Everything seems really exciting … for the participants.
But if we are honest, we would never want to look at it – except the dragon, perhaps. Staring at a lake for hours? It's almost as boring as setting up a maze for hours. Dall & # 39; external, Wow. No wonder the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang delegations left home most of their students. So much trouble that no one can bear.
The most raw portkey
And since we're just at "The Goblet of Fire": what was that cheeky passport in the maze? Of course, Voldemort needed a way to bring Harry to the graveyard and remove his blood – which, incidentally, could have been done much more easily: Moody aka Barty Crouch Jr. was at Hogwarts after all, because Harry did not just stunned and a syringe rammed in the arm?
But no, instead Voldemort chose a portkey. However, what we have already learned from the same book: portkey works like trains – when you're in the right place at the right time, let's get started. The passkey of Voldemort, on the other hand, had perfect timing and became active when Harry touched her, or was a sort of Portkey 2.0: always active.
And not enough! The portkey also had a return ticket incorporated. Harry only had to touch it again and was transported back – but not in the middle of the maze he'd started from, but comfortably right in front of the public gallery. What's that crazy magic, Voldy?
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Veritaserum for everyone!
"Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" begins with enthusiasm: to defend himself from two Dementors who come from nothing in Little Whinging, Harry must summon a Patronus – which directly causes him problems with the ministry, because as a minor magician it is allowed to be far from Hogwarts do not do magic at all. Obviously, thanks to the "trace" that is above it, which allows the ministry to trace the sorcery of minors (another logical problem will arrive shortly), the ministry knows directly and Harry must go to an audition.
There he tries to convince the Zaubergamot that there really Dementors were. Almost no one believes him, least of all Fudge and Umbridge. But why was Harry not simply subjected to the magic lie test at this point: Veritaserum?
Those who swallow this potion can only speak the truth – as demonstrated in the same book when Umbridge uses serum to interrogate students. The use of Veritaserum would save the Ministry of Magic so much work and many innocents remain in Azkaban – especially Sirius Black …?
How carefully have you watched the movies? You certainly did not notice these details:
The magic of minors
Harry, the little rebel, evokes a few times out of Hogwarts before he can officially do it: he uses the just mentioned Patronus Incident, he makes his terrible aunt explode. But when Dobby in the House of Terror lights a levitation spell in the Dursleys' House, Harry directly receives a passively aggressive letter from the Ministry: Child magic is forbidden! Wait, the Ministry did not know it was not Harry?
Right. For minors, as we learn later, up to the age of 17, there is the so-called "path", a sort of radar on which the ministry can detect when summoned in a place where no sorcerer lives adult. But wait a minute, the Privet Drive will evoke much more often! In "The Order of the Phoenix," the members of the Order met diligently as they gathered Harry, and Dumbledore himself can not do without the magic in "The Half-Blood Prince" when he visits Harry. And Harry summons himself: he uses "Lumos" several times at home. What's wrong with this unreliable "track"?
Harry's glasses are just decorations
Seriously, there's apparently little that could not be done with magic – in "The Chamber of Secrets", Harry even replaces the missing bones. But why is the poor boy constantly wearing round glasses?
We do not suppose it should be a fashion statement by Harry; the guy really has other priorities than being particularly trendy. Although it is logical that Harry had to run with his glasses until he had arrived at Hogwarts – the Dursleys could not summon – but Madam Pomfrey would surely have had a spell or potion in store to heal his vision as soon as he had Arrived Hogwarts.
Apart from the fact that this disability could have hindered it, well, very simply. Voldemort should have just called Accio Brille !, and voila, Harry would have been defenseless. Not spectacular, but effective.
Harry and the Thestral of death
Probably the most controversial plot gap: Harry and the Thestrale, an endless debate between Rowling and his readers! To summarize briefly the problem: Thestrals are magical beings that are visible to a person only if they have already witnessed a death. to correct: knowingly witnessed – the main point of this discussion.
Harry sees the Thestral for the first time in Volume 5, "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix". The trigger in this case – the death that made them visible to him: Cedric Diggory, who is killed at the end of the previous volume of Wormtail. But … but … STOP! If you are already scared now: rightly so. Because for Harry, Cedric's death was not the first he witnessed, right? First of all, there are his parents, or at least his mother (because his father died outside the nursery) – and what about Professor Quirrell, who blessed the storm in "The Philosopher's Stone"?
Rowling explained as follows:
Harry did not see his parents die. He had a year and at the time in a cot. Although you have never seen this scene, I wrote and caressed it. He did not see it; he was too young to understand. […] you can do it [die Thestrale] see only if one understands death in a broad sense, if one really knows what it means.
Someone said that Harry saw Quirrell die, but that's not true. He had fainted when Quirrell died. […]»
J.K. Rowling at the Edinburgh Book Festival 2004 accio-quote
And who has thought of it intelligently now, would have thought: Hey! What about Cedric? After all, at the end of the fourth book, Harry had already returned to the train with the coaches pulled by Thestralen and did not seem to have noticed them – and then he had already seen Cedric die. This is what Rowling said with Harry's shock: he had not worked out correctly what he had experienced at the time. Does it seem plausible? You could decide yourself.
Is Harry Potter stolen?
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Moody and his crazy eye
When we first met Mad-Eye Moody in the fourth year of Harry – or at least someone who looks like that, because in the end Barty Crouch Jr. is hiding – we were all a bit upset. Claw feet? wooden leg? Do you have rippled face? And above all: a magical eye that could not only look through its back of the head, but also through tables and Co.?
Apart from the fact that we do not want to imagine what were the most intimate glimpses possible with this eye (um, Professor Moody, where are you looking ?!), You can not help but be a bit jealous. An eye that simply sees everything – even the invisible teenagers who hide under a cloak of invisibility.
under the Invisibility Cloak, to be exact, the only true one, the sanctuary of death, the most important relic of Harry. But how is it possible if the Cloak of Invisibility hides the wearer, even before death? Moody – or the bearer of his eyes – more powerful (or at least technologically advanced) than the Grim Reaper? O Moody & # 39; s Eye is another death sanctuary so far hidden? Whoooaaa.
Grindelwald, Gregorovich and the very important magic wand
And finally, a real cracker – and now it becomes complicated, forgive me.
Now that we've been to the Deathly Hallows, one of them is the legendary Elder Staff, whose bloody history has hit Europe before it ended up in Harry's hands. But on the way, he took some laps that were not necessarily logical.
Before the Elder Wand fell into Dumbledore's hands, a magician named Gellert Grindelwald possessed him. He was once a friend of Dumbledore, but had turned to "the dark side of power". Dumbledore finally defeated him in a duel and took Elder's staff – without killing Grindelwald (who later took over from Voldemort, presumably to become the real owner of Elder's Wand). We know that Elder's Wand can change ownership without bloodshed, because eventually Harry became his master by disarming Draco (and at that moment Draco's wand had taken over the properties of Elder Wand – but you can read it yourself in the. last volume), but who had heard the senior staff in front of Grindelwald?
Right: Gregorovich.
Mykew Gregorovich was apparently the Creator of magic wands of the European continent. It is no wonder that the Elder Wand, who had landed in her possession, was interested in it – and she said so. Also, it is not surprising that it was stolen: from Grindelwald. However, the transfer of ownership was not made by Avada Kedavra or Expelliarmus, but simply by theft and stun magic. But this does not fit our magical worldview. If even a simple stun magic can change the loyalty of a wand, most of the staff may no longer be the legitimate owner. And if the loyalty of Elderstabs only because of this illogical not from Gregorovich to Grindelwald, it means that then Dumbledore could not become the Master of Staff – and then Malfoy – and then Harry …
How much do you know about Harry? Find out: you can not do more than 15/20!
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