Exemption from rules: Britain designs “Corona Freedom pass”


The “pass to freedom” is intended to make life easier for the British after the introduction of the corona vaccination program. As various British media write, Brits who are vaccinated and tested regularly should be given passports. This should allow people to lead normal lives again.

Two Covid tests per week are required to receive the freedom pass. Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s plan is still unstable and is currently being drafted. The freedom pass should be scanned when entering the buildings. It will probably also be saved on your smartphone.

Passport holders should be able to move freely and no longer have to wear a mask when shopping. Also, there are no distance rules or restrictions on family visits. Jeremy Hunt, 54, a former Conservative Secretary of Health and Foreign Affairs, said the government must encourage people to get tested and vaccinated.

For the system to work, the government will need to perform millions of corona tests per day in the future. Half a million tests are run every day in the UK.

A press conference on the “pass to freedom” was announced on Monday at 4.30pm.

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