European funds will be conditioned by the rule of law. European leaders have reached an agreement


EU Member States that do not respect the rule of law risk losing access to European funds. After five rounds of negotiations, the Parliament and the Council of the European Union have reached an agreement on a conditionality mechanism to be implemented with the next multiannual budget, for the period 2021-2027.

In this way, the European Union wants to protect the common good from the effects of violations of the rule of law, such as corruption. It is the European Commission that will monitor and propose the sanction of the states.

The deal was also announced by the European Parliament’s Committee on Budgetary Control on its Twitter account: We have a deal!.

ISFinnish MEP Petri Sarvamaa (EPP Group), one of the EP rapporteurs on this dossier, wrote on Twitter: “PThe European Parliament and the German Presidency of the Council of the EU have reached a historic agreement for the EU, according to Agerpres.

We have managed to make EU funds conditional on respect for the rule of law in member countries. Our goal was an effective mechanism and now we have achieved it, He added.

We have not compromised values: we have made sure that the rule of law is seen in the context of all EU values ​​enshrined in the treaties, such as the independence of the judiciary. Any violation of the rule of law will be covered by the mechanism, from individual violations to systemic or recurrent violations for which no mechanism has so far been foreseen “, May spus Sarvamaa, according to a press release.

It was for us vital that the final beneficiaries are not punished for the wrongdoing of their governments and continue to receive the funds they have been promised and on which they rely, even after the activation of the conditionality mechanism. We can proudly say that we have obtained a strong system that guarantees its protection “, a She said co-rapporteur Eider Gardiazabal Rubial (S&D, Spain)

European citizens expect payment of EU funds to be subject to the rule of law. The mechanism agreed today does exactly that “, a added Gardiazabal Rubial.

Publisher: Monica Bonea


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