EU: video meeting of compromised defense ministers


A Dutch journalist hacked into a video meeting of EU defense ministers and discovered an embarrassing security flaw. Journalist Daniel Verlaan managed to attend the ministerial meeting with relative ease, Dutch broadcaster RTL announced.

Dutch Defense Minister Ank Bijleveld posted a photo of his participation in the online meeting on Twitter. But a careful reader noticed that the photo contained five of the six digits of the secret access code for the meeting. So he tipped the broadcaster. The last issue was quickly found and Verlaan sat down at the virtual negotiating table.

EU Foreign Affairs Representative Josep Borrell asked the new participant in amazement who he was. “I am a Dutch journalist”, he introduced himself to the 27 EU defense ministers. “Do you know you’re attending a secret board meeting?” Borrell asked. Verlaan then apologized for the inconvenience and left the meeting. The interlude lasted only a few minutes.

Prime Minister Mark Rutte was not satisfied. “This shows once again that ministers need to understand how careful you have to be with Twitter,” he said in The Hague. The Defense Ministry spoke of a “stupid mistake”. The photo with the passcode was quickly removed. The minister is currently in home quarantine and wanted to clarify with the photo that she is also active at home at the kitchen table.

Icon: the mirror

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