EU leaders disagree on the budget and bailout program


EU Council President Charles Michel and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen held a press conference at the end of the summit held by the leaders of the 27 EU member countries via videoconference.

After Hungary and Poland unanimously vetoed the future budget and bailout package due to the mechanism linking EU funds to the rule of law, Michel said Member States should act together and the package is essential for Europe’s economic recovery.

“The overwhelming majority of member states accepted the agreement at the table, while some said they could not support it. We will continue our efforts to find a solution that everyone can agree on.” I speak.

According to AA news; Explaining that he will hold bilateral talks on the “rule of law obligation mechanism” in the budget and bailout program, Michel said that the situation is very serious, but that he intends to make progress by working intensively in the coming days.

Recalling that the future budget, rescue program and rule of law mechanism were discussed at the meeting, Von der Leyen said: “We need the whole package. The Council and the European Parliament have agreed on this. We need to move forward. on this problem “. She said.

Explaining that Germany, the EU-mandated president, is holding talks to find a solution, Von der Leyen said that due to the epidemic, the public and companies expect urgent financial support.

“We will now try to find a solution by negotiating. Europe has found solutions in many critical situations and has progressed,” said Von der Leyen. I speak.


Explaining that issues such as the fight against the epidemic and studies on the Kovid-19 vaccine were also discussed during the meeting, Von der Leyen said: “If all goes smoothly, the European Medicines Agency could grant the authorization for the conditional marketing of BionTech and Moderna vaccines in the second half of December “. I speak


The focus of discussions is to make EU funds foreseen by the rule of law.

Hungary and Poland oppose the mechanism linking the distribution of funds in the EU budget to the rule of law.

The two countries veto the unanimous budget and the bailout package, as they fear this mechanism will be used against them.

The leaders of the 27 EU member states reached a compromise on a package of around € 1.8 trillion, including the rescue program prepared to combat the economic consequences of the epidemic and the EU budget for 2021-2027 , at the 4-day summit in July.

For the EU’s long-term budget to enter into force, unanimity of the Member States and the consent of the European Parliament (EP) were required. For this reason, budget negotiations took place between the Council of the EU and the European Parliament.

The European Parliament specifically called for more funds to be allocated to the areas of climate protection, digitization, health, youth, education, research and migration in the budget, for budgetary equity to be increased and for EU funds to be linked to Rule of law.

Recently, the EP and Germany, mandated president of the Council of the EU, reached a political consensus by tying EU funds to the rule of law and providing additional resources for some programs.

According to the consensus, the funds of an EU member state lacking the rule of law could be cut.

This cut will require a qualified majority in the Council of the EU representing 55% of the Member States and 65% of the total population of the Union.

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