EU Directive: 1.100 euros / month for each Romanian. What awaits us in 2021


Low wages compared to those of the European Union remain Romania’s big problem. Although incomes have increased in recent years, in our country we are at a lower level than in the west of the “Old Continent”. According to official data, Romania has the fourth lowest gross salary in the EU, less than half of the average (gross) minimum wage in the European Union.

The minimum wage of the economy in Romania is around 461 euros gross per month (2,230 lei), at a level of 42% compared to the European average of 1,100 euros gross per month, as shown by Eurostat data and the calculations of zf .com journalists.

In Denmark and Luxembourg, the highest salaries

At the level of net wages, the differences can be even greater, because taxation differs from country to country. The highest minimum gross wage in the European Union is in Denmark and Luxembourg. In both countries, a worker earns at least € 2,100 per month.

In the ranking, according to the source cited, are followed by Austria, with a gross minimum salary of almost 2,000 euros, and Sweden, where an employee can earn at least around 1,850 euros gross.

Cîțu has announced massive economic growth

EU officials have been discussing the introduction of a fair minimum wage for several months. Earlier this year, before the pandemic broke out, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced that she wants every EU employee to have “a fair minimum wage that would enable them to live a decent life, regardless of where they work”.

Lately we have been working on the EU plan, to raise the minimum gross wage level to 1,100 euros in countries like Romania and Bulgaria, but the realization of the project is quite difficult in practice. Meanwhile, in our country, Florin Cîțu, the finance minister, has announced a strong economic recovery.

“The recovery of the economy, so the 3rd quarter in 2020 compared to the 2nd quarter is the fastest recovery of our economy in the past 20 years,” the official said.

“I will continue to maintain this formula”

“I want to remove this element of politics from the minimum wage negotiations. Last year I came up with a formula that in my opinion is very good, it is transparent, everyone knows the indicators and a formula that does not penalize the dynamics of the minimum wage in years like this. , where there is a contraction or a decline in the economy. I would continue to keep this formula for years to come. Otherwise, when you introduce politics into negotiation, this political element of subjectivism, negative effects appear for the economy “, Cîțu also specified.

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