Updates discussed
Chaired by the meeting was Hudson Jameson of the Ethereum Foundation, who discussed the process of non-proof blockchain protocols and its implementation on Ethereum customers with developers. The developer Dmitry Ryan, however, revealed that the team would like to perform additional tests on the network under different conditions to avoid any consensus problems.
The developers stressed that the third week of August saw several new features released for Protocol of Ethereum excluding an unstable update that requires a "huge rewrite of miners". The problem of mining should be resolved by August 27, with developers who rarely "complete the whole".
Also the highly anticipated Forcella di Costantinopoli was introduced in the discussion. The developers noted that the proposed improvement of Ethereum (EIP) -1211 would not be included at the next junction, while others lagged with myriad bug fixes and other implementations on the testnet .
Unanimous developers have agreed to keep a rigid program for the release of the next fork-opting to renounce to run the release, test the new EIPs or delay the updates of the code ready in favor of more modern updates .
However, one developer stated many delays could be beneficial to the system rather than minor delays that cause different hard forks.
Hard Forking every eight months
It is interesting to note that all the developers have decided to release a new rigid fork every eight months after the launch of Constantinople. The idea of a rigid fork of six months was rejected, citing the increase in working pressure on developers.
While the rigid lack of a decision-making body was observed during the meeting, the developers spent a lot of time discussing block releases and block reward – a very recent topic.
Meeting participant Brian Venturo, co-founder and CTO of Atlantic Crypto, asked developers to commit to deciding a hard cap on the total supply of ether. Venturo, in addition to the developer Matt White, has strongly favored the idea of reducing emissions.
However, such a move could tamper with the Ethereum roadmap of 2015, which stated that an offer limit would not be introduced until the consensus on the currently used work is completely changed into a mechanism test of the stake, eliminating the profit opportunities for mining companies .
The reduction of the debated issue
White said that we believe that the reduction in the issue could better define "good price effects" – an integral factor in determining the salaries of the developers and allocating funding for new projects.
Meanwhile, Xin Xu, CEO of Ethereum mining [19659005] Sparkpool, cautioned developers not to take hasty moves, citing network security positions that would be affected in case of significant reduction. It is said that the Xu company manages more than 20 percent of the hash pool of Ethereum .
Towards the end of the meeting, developers could not agree on a common consensus, with Jameson asking participants to "continue discussions on social media" and gather community outlook for EIP proposals before the next meeting, scheduled for 31 August.
Cover photo by Lurm on Unsplash
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