engaged and nearly half of the guests were infected


Mikayla and Anthony Bishop got married in Cincinnati, United States
, on October 31, a wedding that ended up making headlines because almost half of the guests had been infected with the coronavirus.

The couple said they believe they had planned a party with all biosecurity protocols, as they put antibacterial gels, face masks on the tables and narrowed the list of those who would accompany them, which was initially 200.

This did not prevent the spouses and 32 of the 83 participants, three of whom were the couple’s grandparents, from falling ill with COVID-19.

Mikayla said that on the day of the wedding, when the church doors opened and her parents walked her down the aisle, “the first thing I see is everyone’s face. And that’s when I realized that no one was wearing a mask ”.

The couple told WLWT that the guests did not keep a distance, either to eat or to go out dancing, contrary to what their grandparents did, who while avoiding crowds and following protocols could not evade the coronavirus

During their honeymoon, Mikayla and Anthony began to feel sick, and then every day they started getting calls from family and friends informing them that they were sick.

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