Electoral officials in the United States assured that “there is no evidence that a voting system has been tampered with”.


Photo: REUTERS / John Altdorfer
Photo: REUTERS / John Altdorfer

This Thursday the electoral authorities of the United States assured him “There is no evidence that any voting system was altered” during the last election. In a joint statement, members of 11 different bodies charged with ensuring the security of the elections said this “The November 3 elections were the safest in history” in the North American country.

“Right now, officials across the country are reviewing and double-checking the entire election process before determining the final results. When states have close elections, many tell. All states with close elections have paper records of each of the votes, which gives them the ability to count each of the votes as needed. This is an added security and resilience benefit and helps identify and correct any errors. There is no evidence that a system has been tampered with“, States the central paragraph of the document.

In a veiled reference to President Donald Trump’s fraud allegations, the statement concludes that “While we know there are many baseless allegations and opportunities to spread disinformation about the electoral process, we can assure you that we have the utmost confidence in the security and integrity of the election, and you should have too.“.

“When you have questions, turn to election officials. They are reliable rumors, given that they administer the elections ”, the letter closes.

In contrast to Trump’s efforts to continue contesting the election results, a growing number of Republican officials have come out in favor of Trump admitting defeat. Among them are at least four senators: Mitt Romney, Susan Collins, Ben Sasse and Lisa Murkowski and Ohio Governor Mike DeWine. Former party officials have also spoken in this line, including its only living former president, George W. Bush.

Republican Senator Mitt Romney.  EFE / EPA / MICHAEL REYNOLDS / Archive
Republican Senator Mitt Romney. EFE / EPA / MICHAEL REYNOLDS / Archive

Other senators have backed Trump’s decision to contest election results in key states – such as Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. but they were in favor of Biden starting to have access to the Daily Presidential Report (PDB, for its acronym in English) a synthesis of high-level classified information and analysis on national security issues that has been offered to leaders since 1946. Pat Toomey, Marco Rubio, James Lankford and Mike Rounds have spoken in this regard.

The PDB is coordinated and delivered by the Office of the National Director of Intelligence with input from the CIA and other agencies. It is customized for each president, depending on whether they prefer oral or written reports or both, short summaries or long reports on paper or electronically.

Lankford noted that if the president-elect does not receive the report by Friday, he will act: “I will step in and press and say that this must be done so that regardless of the outcome of the elections, whatever the path, the people can be ready for that real task.“He commented on KRMG radio. Additionally, he said Vice President-elect Kamala Harris should host the briefings as well, which shouldn’t be a problem because he already has security clearances as a member of the Senate intelligence committee.

Biden, for his part, ignored the complaints and began serving as president-elect. On Wednesday evening he announced what will be his first public election for the White House: appointed Ron Klain, an experienced Democratic adviser, as his future chief of staff. He also formed a task force to tackle the pandemic once in office, he gave various public speeches in which he urged the public to wear masks to mitigate the impact until a vaccine arrives.

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A Republican senator asked Joe Biden for access to daily national security reports

Who are the Republican leaders who already recognize Joe Biden’s victory

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