Elections in the United States, live | Results and reactions to Biden’s victory | US elections


The counting of the votes in the state of Wisconsin came to an end this Sunday and certified the victory of Democrat Joe Biden. A triumph that buries the chances of the outgoing US president, Donald Trump, to overturn the election results. The Republican, however, does not give up shaking his speech on electoral fraud and this Saturday he again announced via Twitter new complaints to maintain his position in the White House. “This election was rigged, it was total fraud,” he insisted in an interview with Fox News this Sunday. The Republican says the votes he contested in Pennsylvania “far exceed” Democrat Joe Biden’s 81,000-vote lead after the polls closed. “We will appeal,” he insisted. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court has rejected a new complaint to prove that votes cast by mail are not counted.

US President-elect Joe Biden announced this week the composition of the team that will make up his government. After Donald Trump authorized the formal handover on Monday, albeit without giving his rival the winner, the Democrat held a press conference accompanied by his future cabinet members, including Vice President-elect Kamala Harris. . and the next Secretary of State, Antony Blinken. “America is back, ready to lead the world,” Biden said.

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