Egypt supports efforts to strengthen peace and security in the Horn of Africa: FM


Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry shakes hands with Eritrean Foreign Minister Osman Saleh in Cairo - press photo.

Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry shakes hands with Eritrean Foreign Minister Osman Saleh in Cairo – press photo.

CAIRO – November 19, 2020: In his meeting with Eritrean Foreign Minister Osman Saleh and Eritrean President’s Advisor for Political Affairs Yemane Gebreab on Wednesday, Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry expressed Egypt’s full support for all efforts to strengthen peace and security in the Horn of Africa.

Eritrean officials made an official visit to Cairo in light of ongoing coordination between the two countries, Egyptian Foreign Ministry spokesman Ahmed Hafez said.

The meeting addressed the current situation in the Horn of Africa and means addressing the associated challenges on all fronts, Hafez added.

“In this regard, Minister Shoukry stressed the utmost importance that Egypt attaches to the stability of the region and its follow-up to ongoing developments, expressing Egypt’s full support for all efforts to strengthen peace and security. in this region which represents a fundamental pillar of regional and continental security, “said Hafez.

The meeting also discussed ways to improve aspects of bilateral relations between Egypt and Eritrea, spiced up with efforts to develop existing projects between the two sides in various fields of cooperation, thus serving the goal of achieving development and prosperity for the peoples. of the two sister countries, Hafez continued.

The Ethiopian scene has witnessed sudden and frenzied developments in recent days, after Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed launched a military operation in the northern region of Tigray on 4 November, leaving thousands dead and displaced.

The violence that broke out in an attempt by the Ethiopian government to control the Tigray region sparked fears of a civil war as the escalation between the two sides intensified. The fight has recently extended to new territories, including the Oromia region, which borders the Somali region to the east.


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