DRC Polling Center: Internet, RFI signal restored after the court ruling


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RFI signal and internet restored

Internet has been restored throughout the DRC Sunday after the statement of the Constitutional Court of Felix Tshisekedi as president-elect.

The service was interrupted twenty days ago with the government defending the move as part of efforts to preserve national security. It was to avoid the publication of unofficial results of the surveys of 30 December 2018.

A RFI The journalist covering the country also reported that the signal of the French broadcaster was restored in the capital, Kinshasa, after it was interrupted about three weeks ago without an official explanation.

Brief description of the president-elect Felix Tshisekedi

1 – Full name: Felix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, born June 13, 1963 – 56 years
2 – Son of the veteran leader of the opposition, late Etienne Tshisekedi. Dad founded the Union for democracy and social progress, UDPS, in 1982.
3 – At the beginning of the twenties, he went to Belgium for university education, later became national secretary for external affairs for the UDPS, based in Brussels.
4 – Father died at the beginning of 2017, UPDS he chose Felix as the party leader and presidential candidate by default.
5 – The united and abandoned Lamuka coalition. Weeks later he announced a two-man coalition with Vital Kamerhe, the CACH coalition, in Nairobi.
6 – President-elect declared after the elections of December 30, 2018.

January 20: the court launches the Fayulu petition

The Constitutional Court in DRC the capital Kinshasa dominated the Martin Fayulu poll's petition; throwing it like one without a base.

The decision confirmed the provisional results of the presidential polls won by Felix Tshisekedi on 11 January. The Lamay coalition in Fayulu rejected the court's decision and called for peaceful protests.

Meanwhile, reports indicate that Tuesday, January 22, the day of investiture of the new president was scheduled. Tshisekedi will replace Joseph Kabila, who has been president for the past 18 years.

January 19th DRC the maximum court to express a verdict on the survey challenge

The Constitutional Court that heard the challenge of the poll presented by Martin Fayulu should release his verdict today, the court confirmed to the AFP Press Agency.

Several sources are reporting that despite 14:00 GMT time allowed for the court session, it is expected to start until late evening.

There are largely three possible results according to the legal experts caught up with the question. An affirmation, an annulment or a call to repeat the polls.

  • Tshisekedi wins, swearing to be held in 10 days.
  • Order a new vote count – a position advanced by Fayulu.
  • Delete the whole process and start again.

The many supporters of Fayulu: The DRCPresident-elect Tshisekedi in AU

A fourth scenario will be the judges who expose the case on a legal technicality. This will be similar to the first case of "supporting" a Tshisekedi victory.

January 18: Kinshasa plays hard with the UA advice to stop the final results

Kinshasa has rejected an African Union position that delays the announcement of the final results of its disputed presidential election, the government said Friday.

The final count of the December 30 elections, which has been plagued by widespread violence and accusations of fraud, will be released after the Constitutional Court has decided on the challenges to interim results, including opposition leader and vice premier Martin Fayulu .

The court decision is scheduled for Friday or Saturday. Government spokesman Lambert Mende said today that while the UA delegation was welcome, the post-election process will not change, as Kinshasa has the sovereign right to control it.

Read the full story here: DRC rejects the AU request to delay the results of the final survey

January 17: the head of UA doubts the results of the polls

"Although the situation on the ground has fortunately been quiet so far, it remains obviously a cause for concern.

"Frankly, there are serious doubts about the conformity of the results that have been proclaimed", these are the words of the head of the African Union commission Moussa Faki Mahamat as AU and regional bloc, SADC, met on DRCThe political impasse in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa.

The body of the elections, DO YOU HAVE DINNER, said Felix Tshisekedi winner of the poll, but a fellow opposition candidate, Martin Fayulu, is in court challenging the results.

The powerful Catholic church and other independent observers said the results were rigged. The court is required to deliver a judgment shortly.

Follow our page on the elections in Africa for more information

January 15: Court Hearing Challenge: UNSC greets the Congolese maturity

The January 12 petition filed with the Constitutional Court in Kinshasa was heard while several parties submitted their comments to the jury on why or why the provisional presidential results should be canceled.

The United Nations Security Council, UNSC, after a meeting on DRC issued a statement that largely invited the Congolese to maintain a peaceful atmosphere while waiting for the competent authorities to act.

The statement also stressed the UNSC respect for the sovereignty of the DRC saying: "They (UNSC members) reiterated full respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the DRC, in accordance with the United Nations Charter. "

The electoral body has categorically rejected the cause of the signatories calling for the cancellation of the December 30th elections. Reports indicate that the CACH the coalition led by Felix Tshisekedi could ask to join the case and request that the DO YOU HAVE DINNERThe declaration must be respected.

The results were categorically rejected by the Catholic Church, while France, Belgium, the United Kingdom and the United States called for the release of detailed results results.

For their part, the regional blocks, SADC is ICGLR they supported the need for a new vote count to ensure the winners and losers that the process was clean and not tampered with.

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