Dramatic situation Corona: Italy bans Christmas with extended family


People-to-people contacts should be reduced to keep the pandemic in Italy under control. That’s why the government wants only first-degree relatives to celebrate this Christmas together.

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This year only the closest relatives should be allowed to sit at the Christmas table.

This year only the closest relatives should be able to sit at the Christmas table.


    It is not

It’s true no intention of celebrating lonely Christmas. However, it must Contagion curve it will be flattened, health officials say.


It will certainly be a somewhat subdued Christmas“From Italy Deputy Minister of Health Pierpaolo Sileri for.


  • The situation of the crown in Italy is precipitating.

  • The government will soon adopt the rules for the traditional Christmas party.

  • By the way, only first-degree relatives can sit at the table.

Christmas in Italy in 2020 will be different than usual: the Italian government is preparing protective measures to prevent the traditional Christmas party with distant nuns, cousins ​​and aunts and uncles from further spreading the pandemic. In principle, only close relatives should be allowed to sit at the Christmas table this year. This was announced by a councilor of the Ministry of Health in an interview with “La Stampa”.

The new rules for Christmas will be announced soon, Sandra Zampa said. It’s true no intention of celebrating lonely Christmas. However, families should only meet in smaller circles, with first-degree relatives, says the health politician. Specifically: parents, children and siblings.

“A somewhat subdued Christmas”

Deputy Minister of Health Pierpaolo Sileri sees it even more severe. Even at Christmas, interpersonal contacts should be reduced and avoided, he told radio station Rainews 24. It will be a somewhat subdued Christmas, he says. At the moment the situation in Italy is truly dramatic. If the contagion curve does not flatten out soon, more comprehensive measures should be taken.

Sandra Zampa admits that the subject is very exciting. But this epidemic must fought with the utmost common sense want. We are all aware that no health service in the world can keep up if we don’t keep the crown number of cases under control. If it turns out that all measures are ineffective we are, we cannot wait until the last. We fight against time.

No vaccines under the Christmas tree

According to “La Repubblica”, the government of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has made a secret agreement with the pharmaceutical company Pfizer. According to the Italian newspaper, the Italian Ministry of Health has taken out insurance About 1.7 million doses of the Covid-19 vaccine for the second half of January 2021.

In the interview, Sandra Zampa confirmed that the vaccine very early will arrive, but not for December. Additionally, the vaccination will first be distributed to health care workers, law enforcement, the elderly and at-risk groups.

In Italy the number of crown cases has exceeded one million. This emerges from the data published on Wednesday by the Ministry of Health. As a result, there are 32,961 new cases, fewer than on Tuesday with 35,098. The death toll increased from 623 to 42,953. In Europe, Spain and France had already reported more than a million infections.

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