Donald Trump’s frontline fighter Rudy Giuliani in free fall


In the fight for Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani has put himself in a position from which it is difficult to go back. Giuliani shakes his head in front of a series of thunderous defeats in court.

  • Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, doesn’t want to give up.
  • Despite massive legal denials, the former New York City mayor hasn’t held back.
  • All background information on the outgoing US president can be found on Trump News.

Washington DC – Rudolph William Louis „Rudy“ Giuliani III it is known today as Rudy Giuliani, manic and uncompromising lawyer for Donald Trump. He was once a respected politician. After Attacks of 11 September 2001 it was the mayor of New York at the time who created his city’s population, encouraged it and called for unity. Several US media at the time speculated whether the son of Italian US immigrants, whose father had been jailed for robbery and assault and who, despite his father’s misconduct, had worked his way up to become a respected lawyer from a small background , as the president’s successor. George W. Bush it could even run for the presidency.

Rudy Giuliani and the envelopes: For Donald Trump the story of “electoral fraud” continues to turn.


Rudy Giuliani, now Donald Trump’s attorney, was a shooting star in the United States judiciary

Today’s career for Donald Trump active climber sounds like the much-quoted American dream. Graduated from New York University Law School in 1968, New York Attorney General in 1970, Assistant Attorney in 1973. He was appointed to the United States Department of Justice in 1975 and since 1977 has worked as a respected attorney for a New York law firm. Only four years later he went for Rudy Giuliani Return to the US Department of Justice: As an associate attorney general, he held the third highest position in the US Department of Legal Affairs.

1983 has changed Rudy Giuliani Back in New York as a federal attorney for the Southern District, he had made it to the top. The Italian-American became the center of public attention when he assumed the role of chief prosecutor in the highly acclaimed “Mafia Commission Trial” in 1985 and brought the godparents of the so-called “Five Families” and their most prominent followers to court. . The trial was successful: the Mafia bosses were sentenced to long prison terms. The trial and subsequent hearings helped Giuliani obtain national recognition for the first time.

In 2001 Rudy Giuliani, now Donald Trump’s attorney, was at the height of political attention

That attention could be the right one Rudy Giuliani I took the next step: out of court and into politics. The former Democrat had already joined the Republicans in 1976, and in 1989 he first ran for the office of mayor of New York, but was defeated by the first black mayor of the largest city in the United States, David Dinkins. Four years later, Giuliani managed to oust Dinkins from the throne. In 1997, he became mayor of New York, the hometown of, by a large majority Donald Trump, re-elected.

It reached its political climax Rudy Giuliani 2001, much earlier Donald Trump. He managed to present himself as a dedicated rescuer and master of reconstruction after two planes flew into the World Trade Center and traumatized all of New York. However, even then, members of the police and firefighters, as well as many families of the victims of the attack, criticized the then mayor for the omissions in the run-up to the attack on a national and global scale. However Giuliani wanted to know now. He withdrew his candidacy against Hillary Clinton for the position of United States Senator for New York State after an extramarital affair became known, but then ran for Republican presidency in 2008 to succeed him. George W. Bush.

Rudy Giuliani was already an ardent supporter of Donald Trump in 2016

His candidacy was unsuccessful, after heavy defeats in the first primaries of 2008 – Giuliani had excluded many states in the electoral campaign and had bet on Florida, where he was only third – he withdrew his candidacy in January, his political ambitions were considered since that time completed. But Rudy Giuliani I didn’t even think about staying out of politics and supported Donald Trump In 2016 like no other in the election campaign and in 2018 he became the personal lawyer of the elected American president. A role he has not given up until today. Since Trump’s clear electoral defeat in November 2020, Giuliani has not tired of spreading the unproven and in most cases already disproved allegations that Donald Trump was the victim of widespread “election fraud”.

A circumstance that legal experts in the United States refer to the former shooting star of the US judiciary and now a front-line fighter Donald Trump let’s shake. “This is more than embarrassing,” respected attorney Glenn Kirschner criticized NBC News. “What Rudy Giuliani power is not just bad legal representation, it acts for the worst of reasons. It’s about overturning the will of American voters. “Election Attorney Matthew Sanderson agrees:” This is not a competent attorney. He makes strategic mistakes, typographical mistakes – any kind of mistake you can make on a case. I have never seen such a dysfunctional process strategy “.

Donald Trump according to NBC on Rudy Giuliani and the team: “fools”

Sanderson tells NBC News Rudy Giuliani wages a hopeless battle against Joe Biden’s election victory: “I don’t think any team of lawyers can save this case. Electoral disputes are not designed to overthrow tens of thousands of votes. It just doesn’t happen. However, take away the main proponent of the unproven allegations Donald Trump to duty: “But even with this restriction, this strategy has not been implemented well.”

A source that, according to NBC, comes from the immediate vicinity of Donald Trump originates, reports to the television station that the president-elect is dissatisfied with the “exaggerated” appearances of the now fired Sidney Powell, not a friend of QA, but also of Rudy Giuliani in the context of the generally felt bizarre press conference at the Republican National Committee headquarters last week. Both had spread unproven conspiracy theories about the elections. The source claims Trump allegedly said “worried” that his team was made up of “fools who make him look bad.” (Mirko Schmid)

Header list image: © MANDEL NGAN / afp

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