Donald Trump WON’T LEAVE: BLOCK Defiantly Blocks Joe Biden’s Transition and Prepares Case – News Source


US Republican President Donald Trump’s refusal to accept defeat in the November 3 election has created a chaotic political landscape in the United States, with the Justice Department supporting unproven allegations of election fraud while working with the transition team of the United States. Democratic President-elect. Joe Biden gets trapped, EFE writes on Tuesday.

“We are making great progress. The results will start coming next week. We will make the United States great again,” Donald Trump wrote enigmatically on Twitter Tuesday morning, without details, but thus alluding to his allegations that the Democrats have committed. a fraud in these elections with the help of postal votes, writes

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Four years ago, just two days after Donald Trump won the election in front of Hillary Clinton, he met in the White House with then-President Barack Obama and began the transition to the new administration, a scene that now seems impossible.

Faced with this unusual situation, the agitation within federal institutions also stands out. For example, minutes after US Attorney General William Barr ordered an investigation into alleged election fraud, the head of the Justice Department’s Election Crimes Investigation Department, Richard Pilger, resigned. “After becoming familiar with the new provision and its ramifications (…), I unfortunately have to resign from the position of director of the Directorate for Electoral Crimes”, announced Pilger in an internal communication leaked to the press.

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Furthermore, the federal agency in charge of initiating the transition process, the General Services Administration (GSA), has not yet initiated this process. The director of this institution, Emily Murphy, nominated by Trump, suggested first waiting for an official result on the winner of the elections, established for the time being through media projections. Faced with this situation, Joe Biden’s team warned that it is also looking into possible legal action to determine the GSA to initiate the transition that gives members of the president-elect’s team access to government information and the ability to make contact with federal agencies.

Trump’s electoral team, as well as the Republican Party, have already filed a dozen complaints – some withdrawn in the meantime – in various federal states for alleged irregularities in the electoral process. But even if some of them had a favorable result for the Republican candidate, it could hardly return the election result. To win the election through lawsuits, Trump must overturn the outcome in several states (Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, Arizona) where Biden was declared the winner or in the lead as the vote continues.

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According to the latest media projections, Biden currently has 290 voters in the constituency, over the 270 threshold that grants him entry to the White House.


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